
Positive global cues were not used by the Buyers in the morning to push the index higher and the result was that we finished at the lows of the day after breaking through the value high of the previous session.


Nifty Mp 17 03/05/12


The NF spiked into the lows. Spike rules apply at the open tomorrow where an open and an auction below the day lows can invite further selling.


The only reference point of importance will be the single print buyer of 5228/ 5230 who if unable to protect the levels can have the index see 5194 in short time.


Bn Mp 18 03/05/12


The BN shows a steady seller at 10370 who has managed to push the index lower one more time today.


However there is no visible excess and the profile is balanced. In such cases the value areas will play out again especially a rotation from VAH to VAL or vice versa as was seen today.