Order Flow charts dated 01st February 2021

When we think about how to measure volume in the market one of the keys is Order Flow. It plays a role by telling us what the other traders have done in the market and are currently doing and this provides valuable clues and potential opportunities to trade.

An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens. Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity.


Vol Pic Nf Order Flow Charts Dated 01St February 2021 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Vol Pic Nf 2 Order Flow Charts Dated 01St February 2021 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


Vol Pic Bnf Order Flow Charts Dated 01St February 2021 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Vol Pic Bnf 2 Order Flow Charts Dated 01St February 2021 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

08:54 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/509848077
08:54 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:56 Vtrender Live : 5 min NF charts additional- https://join.me/662-628-780
08:56 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
08:56 Uttam : https://vtrender.com/monthly-charts-janurary-2021-and-market-profile-analysis/
08:56 Uttam : https://vtrender.com/weekly-charts-25th-to-29th-january-2021-and-market-profile-analysis/
08:56 Uttam : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-29th-january-2021/
08:57 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts – https://zoom.us/j/8647754156?pwd=YWwwYUhJWmJsWmJ4T09BelZUcnBPQT09
09:00 Shai : GM all
09:01 Anand : VGM
09:02 Ankush Jain : good morning all
09:03 Shai : 13885 is the higher of the ref lines we have in play for the open
09:03 Shai : 13525 support remians
09:03 Shai : 14015/ 14170 is higher supply
09:04 Shai : THis is the broader outlook of the auction
09:04 Shai : but within it we will find multiple plays esp today
09:04 Shai : hope everyone is tuned up and eager and ready with your best versions for the session today
09:04 Shai : ?
09:04 Ankush Jain : of course
09:05 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai
09:05 Anand : yes _/\_
09:05 Anand : Trades will be 0.5 Risk ? or much lower ?
09:05 Shai : From my experience of trading the budget session Live for the past 12 years , I’d like to divide this session into 3 parts
09:05 Shai : And you can consider every part as 1 day session
09:06 Rusi : Gm all
09:06 Shai : the first one is for the sepculators- first 2 hours
09:06 Shai : the second one is for the opportunists – who react to live news
09:06 Shai : And finally the last 2 hours are the high rollers who bring the heavy volumes
09:07 Shai : if she does not throw huge surprises we will have all 3 in action today
09:07 Shai : you choose whom you want to trade with
09:07 Shai : but the budget session is not complete till you finish with the high rollers. They should bring the highest volume and set the tone
09:07 Amit : ABCD -spec; EFGH – oppor; IJKLM – high rollers [ all?]
09:08 Shai : everyone stay safe and trade to your best minding your risk
09:08 Shai : if you cannot be quick, stay out
09:08 Shai : the market will not wait for you
09:09 Shai : All the best for the day
09:09 Abhishek : Let’s learn and end with some good MTM
09:10 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:11 Ashwath : Hi GM All
09:11 Tejpreet : We are all pro traders here just 1 advice from many budget days …..just stay with Shai and no stunts !!
09:12 Raveendra Narayanswamy : gm all
09:12 Harshvardhan : gm all
09:13 Shai : +1- (09:11) Tejpreet : We are all pro traders here just 1 advice from many budget days …..just stay with Shai and no stunts !!
09:16 Shai : 13725 early supp
09:18 Surya ganti : shai.. any specific instruments we shud keep ready in the watchlists ?
09:18 Prashant : room chart moving in jerks?
09:18 Tejpreet : volumes coming in from opening 5 min
09:18 Surya ganti : since the moves might be too swift
09:20 Chandrashekhar : Spike rule on play?
09:22 Shai : icici up 3%
09:23 Tejpreet : Since budget on app will it be released together ….i mean not read step bt step ?
09:26 Shai : good point
09:26 Swapnil : App says budget documents will be available after presentation by FM in parliament
09:26 Shai : All ay 11 am still
09:26 Swapnil : so, no escaping the bhaashan I guess
09:26 Tejpreet : oh ok , otherwise would have been over in minutes
09:28 Tejaswini : big reds in BNF
09:35 Rajesh G : test
09:36 Jitender : thoose buyn options…keep an eye on vix…IVs will drop subsequently
09:36 Tejaswini : +1
09:39 Naresh C null : gm
09:41 Sumeet : i hope henceforth all press conferences wil also be via app…. surgical strike on Mr. Hindi Anuvad
09:42 K2dt : lol S
09:42 Chandrashekhar : 13600 PE 165-175 done on this Vwap break/rejection..165 was the POC for this
09:44 Chandrashekhar : PDL test coming looks like in NF
09:44 Chandrashekhar : if this sustains below 720
09:44 Tejaswini : volumes drying
09:45 Chandrashekhar : +1
09:46 Ankush Jain : wait for the explosion T
09:47 Tejaswini : eagerly waiting
09:51 Sumeet : does anyone have the link for where the budget will be presented live ? pib or something ??
09:52 Amit : indiabudget.gov.in?
09:52 Shai : Buy 13800 ce at 159 sl of 142 tgt 195
09:56 Shai : those who misse dcan buy 162
09:57 Shai : sl at 159 cost on this now- (09:52) Shai : Buy 13800 ce at 159 sl of 142 tgt 195
09:58 Ankush Jain : +1
09:58 Ankush Jain : 170
09:59 Rajesh G : shai this buy due to vwap crossing
09:59 Rajesh G : ?
09:59 Ankush Jain : lots of greens
09:59 Ankush Jain : RB + IB
09:59 Shai : ++
09:59 Shai : Alkso green band at 725
09:59 Rajesh G : ok rb+ib at vwap
10:00 Shai : (09:16) Shai : 13725 early supp
10:02 Shai : put part exit at 178
10:03 Shai : Not moving the calls
10:03 Tejpreet : +1 Shai 175 part exit, 165 sl on rest
10:04 Shai : 176 book half
10:04 Shai : Abv 179 shoulkd be easy
10:05 Shai : did you guys see how they messed the call prices?
10:05 K2dt : +100 chief
10:05 K2dt : scam 2020 :p
10:05 Shai : if 13790 is crossed now we get 13840
10:05 Surya ganti : wow
10:09 Shai : Book full 180. TRdae over
10:09 Shai : Green band rulz!
10:09 Rajan Modi : good one Shai _/\_
10:09 Ankush Jain : +1
10:09 Rajan Modi : session one done 🙂
10:10 Ankush Jain : 0s at top ?
10:10 Tejaswini : (10:09) Shai : Green band rulz! +100
10:12 Abhishek : +100
10:18 Sumeet : supposedly, the correct link for the budget if anyone wants :
10:18 Sumeet : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9wNIyLdZLo
10:18 Shai : no delays?
10:18 Sumeet : pib so they claim it is live…
10:19 Shai : Thank you
10:20 Aman Singhania : might b gst waiver for under construction projects
10:20 K2dt : nifty weekly ATM IV 40ish…banknifty 50 !!
10:20 Surya ganti : wewww
10:21 K2dt : Jit u r right these premiums will lose value coz of the iv drop post event
10:23 K2dt : also, in the morning fall nifty spot fell more..but futs held strong
10:26 Abhishek : 790 with ib
10:26 Shai : puts are dropping
10:26 Jitender : experience K2
10:27 Rusi : c side
10:27 Jitender : and i need my capital to outlast today
10:27 Ankush Jain : so upside expected?
10:27 Jitender : mkt will open 2mrw also
10:27 Shai : needs to be traded with a F
10:27 Jitender : i am a LT trader…will wait fr r/r in my fav
10:28 K2dt : +100 Jit.. this statement helps overtrading :))
10:28 Sumeet : +100j Jit
10:28 Shai : 30 mins left
10:28 Shai : madness about to begin
10:28 Raghav : +1
10:28 Jitender : K2..just 1 scalp since morn..if i loose money today..nobody will gv it back 🙂
10:29 Jitender : m nt gonna trader after sumtime 🙂
10:29 Jitender : but tats me
10:29 Jitender : *trade
10:32 Subhadeep : Char stuck?
10:32 Subhadeep : ***Chart
10:32 Rajeshwarrao null : same here chart stuck
10:35 K2dt : mind blowing discipline Jit..lot to learn yet _/\_
10:39 Tejpreet : Spike to 840
10:40 Ankush Jain : 693 reds
10:52 Sumeet : 7 minutes to zerodha hanging 🙂
10:53 Amit : :}
10:53 Sunil : 🙂
10:53 K2dt : and then blame refinitiv 🙂
10:53 Sunil : It’s already sluggish today
10:55 Shai : that 13800 ce should trade to 224
10:55 Shai : sl is near 156 on day
10:55 Shai : dip buying adviced
10:57 Tejpreet : pretty stable opening session 🙂
10:57 Shai : Larger theme for the day is about looking for buying opportunities today
10:58 Shai : I’m not bearish till we get a trade below 13470 this month now
10:58 Shai : *14430/ 14670
10:59 Shai : go into long Futures if we are abv 13830 at close
10:59 Surya ganti : noted chief.. ABOVE in caps
10:59 Tejpreet : F SL for this view ?
11:00 Shai : 13470- 13520 swing zone for reversal now
11:00 Shai : spot
11:00 Tejpreet : tks chief
11:00 Shai : roughly 13570 F but allow for premium swings
11:02 Tejpreet : BN lookd like morning greens are all out.
11:02 Sumeet : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9wNIyLdZLo
11:02 Sumeet : this one seems to work – not sure if live since no way for me to check… but works
11:09 Rajesh G : test
11:09 Rajesh G : why UG missing tday
11:10 Shai : UG was in shift mode on the weekend. Has internet issues at his new place
11:10 Rajesh G : ohh ok
11:11 Tejpreet : I tght Uttam had gone to give spot hypos to NS 🙂
11:11 Sumeet : lol
11:11 Tejaswini : ha ha. Good one tej
11:11 Uttam : lol
11:12 Sumeet : aa gaye
11:12 Uttam : guys just shifted residence 2 days back so broadband still not up
11:12 Uttam : so no trading today as using mobile internet
11:12 Sumeet : congratulations on the new home uttam…. much happiness and contentment….
11:12 Uttam : thanks so much S _/\_
11:12 Rajesh G : congrats UG
11:12 Ashwath : Congrats!
11:12 Sanjib : Congrats Uttam!
11:13 Favas : congrats ug
11:13 Uttam : it is still a rented apartment guys but yes a much peaceful place
11:13 Tejpreet : Congrats Uttam and Best wishes to the entire family
11:13 Ravi : Antila rented ? 😉
11:13 Uttam : thanks for all your wishes & lets decode the NS speech 😉
11:13 MJ : Congratulations UG. Smartest way to be on rented one. 🙂
11:14 Rahul : UG best wishes
11:14 Ashwath : Uttam- planning for dedicate leased line? 🙂
11:14 Uttam : lol Ashwath Airtel is good enough so just shifting that one here
11:14 Tejpreet : First 2 hrs done just 138 in nf
11:14 Uttam : lot of work left Tej 😉
11:14 Uttam : 400 point bsaaki hai
11:15 Tejpreet : 700 was the deal
11:15 Uttam : _/\_
11:18 Sanjib : VIX has started to cool off…
11:18 Uttam : staying above 13845 will be good for NF
11:18 K2dt : wc back UG and congrats on new home
11:18 Ankush Jain : aaj hindi anuvaadak ka muhn band hai
11:19 Ankush Jain : He has been masked
11:19 Tejpreet : finally 840 delivered
11:19 Surya ganti : +1
11:19 Sumeet : 1.5 IB done
11:19 Uttam : boom boom
11:20 Tejpreet : dt done
11:20 Uttam : congo Tej
11:20 Harshvardhan : ?can we enter NF now?
11:20 Uttam : 30 point long jump above 13845
11:20 Uttam : 13884 is the yPOC
11:20 Tejpreet : tks Uttan bot waswaiting for your arrival
11:20 Uttam : lol
11:22 Rahul : bnf 000
11:22 Rahul : at dh
11:22 Prashant : ug, would you be looking at yPOC or last 2 days’ POC?
11:25 Rohit : 224 done in 13800ce
11:26 Harshvardhan : 13850 to 13880 done
11:26 Shai : 13820 supp for now
11:27 Shai : 13890 is pause mode again for longs
11:28 Shai : now don;lt add till we cross 13920
11:28 Shai : watch 135 in 1400 ce]
11:28 Shai : we can buy if crossed
11:29 Shai : 229- (10:55) Shai : that 13800 ce should trade to 224
11:29 Tejpreet : +1
11:30 Uttam : has not looked back below once it crossed – (11:18) Uttam : staying above 13845 will be good for NF
11:30 Uttam : BNF tags the VPOC of 31518
11:36 Shai : 207 supp in 13800 ce
11:36 Shai : no longs if that breaks
11:36 Shai : 13500 pe becomes a buy abv 92 with sl of 82
11:36 Shai : just putting out levels- trade will be quick
11:37 Shai : early longs done here – (11:27) Shai : 13890 is pause mode again for longs(11:28) Shai : now don;lt add till we cross 13920
11:37 Shai : you can see the pink right?
11:37 Shai : Also 2IB
11:37 Sanjib : +11
11:38 Viswas : yes chief
11:38 Aditya09 : yes cheif
11:39 Shai : some 1 screamed adnai when she said ports ! 🙂
11:39 Shai : Adani**
11:39 Prashant : yes
11:39 Rajan Modi : hahah.. yes
11:39 Surya ganti : lol
11:39 Ankush Jain : he he
11:39 Uttam : lol
11:39 Ashwath : lol
11:39 Rajan Modi : even i shouted in my mind 😉
11:40 Shai : lol
11:45 Raghav : 14000 ce
11:45 Raghav : near 128
11:45 Vaishali : buy above 136 should be preferred as per shai r8
11:46 Shai : trade on green – don;t trade blind today
11:46 Shai : I’m flat now no pos open
11:46 Surya ganti : +1
11:47 Siddhesh : +1
11:47 Shai : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F2VRTPW/p1612160350035300
11:48 Shai : Nothing open now
11:48 Shai : traded 3 directional and 1 spread
11:49 Shai : Avoid
11:50 Surya ganti : avoid the 14000CE?
11:51 MJ : LIC!
11:51 Surya ganti : lic!!
11:51 K2dt : 😀
11:51 Tejaswini : some SC happened in that 14k CE. 1 lakh OI reduced
11:53 Shai : sl is deep for 155 here
11:53 Shai : not good RR
11:53 Shai : let’s see if we get a dip
11:53 Tejaswini : +1 Shai
11:54 Shai : 112 supp in 14000 ce
11:54 Rusi : traded long call BN 31100. now with 25 % pos only.
11:54 K2dt : chief tgt in that ce ? if we get a chance to buy?
11:54 Shai : 155 for now
11:54 K2dt : tx chief
11:54 Vaishali : so should 14000 be avided
11:54 Shai : this is second phase of day – be careful here
11:55 Shai : real opp should be phase 3
11:55 Shai : (11:49) Shai : Avoid
11:55 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai…thanks for the breakup of the day earlier
11:55 Chandrashekhar : got 2 good trades in both phases
11:55 Tejaswini : Not the market yet for SC? OI isnt huge either
11:55 Chandrashekhar : waiting for phase 3:)
11:56 K2dt : modi looking like a true gangsta with that handkerchief on his face :))
11:58 Surya ganti : any interesting news apart from LIC divestment?
11:59 Tejaswini : Insurance 74% FDI
12:01 Surya ganti : yeah that was good news
12:02 Tejaswini : probably subsidised rations will be for long. large budget kept for buying wheat rice etc
12:02 Tejpreet : all good news coming in still not sustaining 920 nf
12:04 Chandrashekhar : TN getting good focus…Shah’s next visit to TN i guess
12:04 Chandrashekhar : in south TN has been a strong regional party ruled so far
12:04 Prashant : how long is the speech expected? already an hour gone.
12:05 Sanjib : taxes have not yet started, Prashant
12:05 Milind : Last year FM took 3 hours
12:05 Prashant : oh…thanks
12:05 Surya ganti : lots of noise last year.. this year has been silent thanks to reduced attendance
12:05 Tejpreet : hope she finishes before mkt close !
12:07 Shai : dip to 13850?
12:07 Shai : need 1 dip to asssess this now
12:07 Uttam : +1
12:07 Viswas : +1
12:08 Ankush Jain : 13500 trade abv 92 is on?
12:09 Naresh C : shai sir 850 spot or ftrs
12:09 Uttam : NF
12:09 Uttam : fut
12:09 Naresh C : thanxs uttam
12:10 Ankush Jain : 6 pillarred 1/100 budget
12:10 Shai : how much she finished
12:11 Shai : budget speech gets done by 1.20
12:11 Surya ganti : nothing significant apart from LIC and insurance FDI so far
12:11 Shai : 1 pm
12:11 Sumeet : half-past-talk ‘o’clock
12:11 Shai : 🙂
12:11 Ankush Jain : crores hee crores sunn rahe
12:11 Surya ganti : lol
12:11 Surya ganti : where will funding come from.. that is next
12:11 K2dt : wat scares me is Anurag Thakur comes in and decides to translate whole speech
12:11 Ankush Jain : Anurag Thakur very eagerly waiting for his turn
12:11 Tejaswini : @Shai can we take a small trade for 850 test?
12:11 K2dt : lol A
12:12 Ankush Jain : Now she is speaking on National Lnguage translation mission
12:12 Prashant : hahahaha
12:12 K2dt : lol
12:12 Sanjib : Guys – this is a once in a lifetime budget 🙂
12:12 Prashant : zeros
12:13 Surya ganti : already at 860
12:13 Ankush Jain : anrag thakur kee baat aate hee 0sss
12:13 Sumeet : deep ocean survey !!! boss survey mumbai sewers first…
12:13 Sumeet : last of six pillars – shai
12:13 Shai : nio buyers yet
12:13 Tejpreet : what timing Shai
12:13 Shai : (12:07) Shai : dip to 13850?
12:14 Shai : All is #Orderflow 🙂
12:14 Surya ganti : PE preices crumbling
12:14 Ankush Jain : that pe order executed
12:14 Chandrashekhar : that was swift
12:14 Uttam : +100 Shai
12:14 Surya ganti : 820
12:14 K2dt : superb chief
12:15 K2dt : we used to read chacha chaudhary in childhood.. it said chacha chaudhary ka dimaag computer say bhi tez hai… i say Shai algos se bhi tez hai :))))
12:15 Tejaswini : +1
12:15 Shai : jumping 20 poinmts NF
12:16 Shai : w eshotrt below 804 for 13720 sl of 13840
12:16 Shai : no trades here
12:16 Ankush Jain : that pe order got filled
12:16 Ankush Jain : Out now
12:16 Himanshu : Fiscal deficit – 9.5 % pegged and Fy 22 6.8 % – FIIs will not like this this will be interest hike cycle
12:17 Shai : use 74 sl
12:17 Prashant : number out?
12:17 Shai : try to go with market now
12:17 Prashant : she is speaking something else
12:17 Shai : they will pick up stray limit orders
12:17 Ankush Jain : FIIs have truckloads of money
12:17 Amit : 13500 pe? 74 sl?
12:18 Surya ganti : i think that is for NF
12:18 Surya ganti : 874 being SL
12:18 Uttam : 0s at 13900 in NF
12:20 Shai : Buy 13700 pe abv 157 sl of 120 tgt 230
12:21 Raghav : 13850 2 candles poc
12:23 Shai : next move is below vwap as no new buyers have come
12:24 Shai : stay with this for now- (12:16) Shai : no trades here
12:26 Chandrashekhar : starting on Taxation
12:26 Shai : yes
12:26 Shai : stay guarded
12:27 Tejaswini : NF 0’s filled
12:29 Milind : Stop loss triggered
12:29 Arjun : we never entered .
12:29 Arjun : it was above 157
12:30 Milind : hmmm
12:32 Rajesh G : no charts?
12:32 Arjun : charts are fine for me
12:33 Shai : ignore the buy abv for the 13700 put
12:33 Shai : green band came
12:37 Ankush Jain : nothing substatial in taxes
12:37 Surya ganti : tax slabs not announced
12:38 Prashant : when is that once in a 100 yr dhamaka coming?
12:38 Surya ganti : but a few changes in audit requirements for SMEs
12:38 Ravi : personal income tax not addressed yet
12:38 Prashant : abolishing income tax types
12:39 Sanjib : direct tax over
12:39 Harish : no chnage
12:39 Surya ganti : looks like youtube is running slowly for me 🙁
12:39 Rajesh G : test
12:40 Sumeet : personal tax over before it started
12:40 Surya ganti : rofl
12:40 Sanjib : 🙂
12:40 Prashant : anti climax
12:40 Sanjib : no new taxes is a good thing
12:40 Sanjib : in corona times
12:41 Surya ganti : true that
12:41 Sumeet : well she was right – first time in 100 years no new taxes
12:41 Surya ganti : lol
12:41 Surya ganti : did she mention that ”
12:41 K2dt : cess increase can come though
12:41 Surya ganti : no change in personal taxes?
12:41 Raghav : no change
12:42 Rajesh G : test
12:48 Surya ganti : is everyone and the market sleeping?
12:49 K2dt : ober!!
12:49 Ankush Jain : ho gya
12:49 Chandrashekhar : BUdget done
12:49 Shai : 12.50 done
12:49 Shai : good job
12:49 Chandrashekhar : wow boom boom
12:50 Surya ganti : whoa
12:50 Shai : buy 14000 ce 135 sl of 104 tgt 178
12:51 Shai : quick move snow
12:51 Shai : 14101 expectedc
12:52 Ashwath : 16K vols..
12:52 K2dt : vix crack
12:52 Shai : prem going
12:52 Shai : switch to F if you can
12:53 Anand : Futures SL plz
12:53 Shai : book 155 for now- (12:50) Shai : buy 14000 ce 135 sl of 104 tgt 178
12:53 Shai : have tyo go deep ITM
12:53 Ankush Jain : or short puts?
12:53 Shai : 13937 trailing here
12:53 Ashwath : 135-158 done..
12:53 Ashwath : thanks shai
12:54 Shai : tgt 14101/ 14187
12:54 Tejpreet : monthly 142k ce behaving nicely
12:54 K2dt : fantastic exp till mid session with VT…
12:54 Shai : congarts to all who got long
12:55 Surya ganti : yes!
12:55 Shai : stay with me – stay tuned
12:55 Tejpreet : yes sir
12:55 Shai : 14094
12:55 Siddhesh : book now ?
12:55 Rahul : long from friday closing
12:55 Amit : yeah
12:55 Aditya09 : all out 190 14000
12:55 Tejpreet : guys keep on booking and move to higher strike SL will be easy to maintain.
12:56 Shai : book guys
12:56 Shai : next round abv 14103
12:56 Chandrashekhar : 14K ce writers caught upside down
12:56 Surya ganti : riding the wave with tsl 🙂
12:57 Chandrashekhar : H making highest high:)
12:57 Shai : playing out fully- (10:57) Shai : Larger theme for the day is about looking for buying opportunities today(10:58) Shai : I’m not bearish till we get a trade below 13470 this month now(10:58) Shai : *14430/ 14670(10:59) Shai : go into long Futures if we are abv 13830 at close
12:57 Ashwath : +10000
12:57 Surya ganti : i have a trigger some 100 points above if i get lucky.. else riding
12:57 Surya ganti : 14118
12:58 Shai : Buy 14200 ce sl of 80 cmp 101
12:58 Shai : tgt 130/ 147
12:59 Swapnil : candle numbers not visible in roo chart?
12:59 Shai : 14090 trailing for the new leg- (12:53) Shai : 13937 trailing here(12:54) Shai : tgt 14101/ 14187
13:01 Rusi : huge gains
13:01 Shai : 105 trailing- (12:58) Shai : Buy 14200 ce sl of 80 cmp 101
13:01 Rusi : all but 1 lot of profit booked
13:02 Shai : IV crash can happene
13:02 Shai : trade quyick
13:02 K2dt : frm 41 to 30 done ATM IV chief
13:03 Shai : 14090 trail for long view
13:04 Shai : 14170/ 14188 is the big seller from last week
13:04 Rahul : looks will betaekn out by tmrw… 14300 coming ?
13:04 Shai : A close abv 14188 now can push for 14430 plus
13:05 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai
13:05 Rajesh G : test
13:05 KK : great day..only waiting for VIX to drop to add further greens..+1
13:06 Surya ganti : TSLs hit
13:06 Shai : exit
13:06 Vaishali : (13:06) Surya ganti: TSLs hit
13:06 Vaishali : =
13:06 Shai : we come back
13:06 KK : OTMs eroding despite 50 point moves
13:07 Shai : yes is normal
13:07 Tejpreet : guys shift to monthly , This could be a swing trade zone.
13:08 KK : so will sit on sell far OTM option approach till K ?
13:10 Shai : had exit at 14188, fell short by 20
13:10 Surya ganti : i had at 175 🙁
13:10 K2dt : icicibank circuit !
13:11 K2dt : this feels like 20/9/19
13:11 Shai : 13950 supp next
13:11 Shai : no longs now
13:13 Rusi : all pos out now
13:15 Rusi : 6 IB move has already been done in BNF
13:15 Tejpreet : charts gone ?
13:16 Ashwath : yea.. not working..
13:16 Ashwath : I did a reload couple times.
13:16 Arjun : not working
13:19 Tejpreet : back
13:21 Surya ganti : no screen for me eithere
13:22 Raghav : no screen
13:22 Amit : back
13:24 Rajan Modi : vols coming down in each bar
13:26 Prashant : 0s
13:26 Surya ganti : scalped another small trade on NF
13:26 Adnan : FA?
13:26 Chandrashekhar : End of Auction looks like in NF
13:26 Chandrashekhar : 0’s above with reds below
13:26 Ankush Jain : 1/100 = 500 NF+
13:26 Raghav : 2387 seller?
13:27 Shai : Not an end
13:27 Shai : sl orders there
13:28 Chandrashekhar : 147 coming in that 14200 CE then
13:28 Shai : yes
13:28 Anand : but how did you identify if its SL order Shai.. 0s were on top and not at bottom
13:28 Shai : 14230 NF
13:29 Surya ganti : any entries on NF shai?
13:29 Anand : i mean 0s were not below the 2000 order
13:29 Shai : qty
13:29 Vishnu : 8 dt nearing
13:29 Shai : those 0’s came cos of that fill
13:30 Anand : ok
13:31 Shai : now profit booking coming again
13:34 Shai : day is not over yet
13:34 Shai : phase 3 is where the fin print is read
13:34 Shai : stay with the pink and the greens
13:34 Shai : And be quick
13:34 Ashwath : +1
13:35 Abhishek : Shai good to stay on futures onlu?
13:35 Siddhesh : BTFD is on ?
13:36 Kannan : what is BTFD?
13:36 Anand : Buy the Dip
13:37 Siddhesh : buy the f*** dip
13:37 Kannan : 😉
13:37 Shai : yes there will be dip buying
13:37 Shai : these are early buyers booking
13:37 Shai : 14188 was the expected tgt
13:39 Prashant : room charts have lag
13:39 Abhishek : yep
13:40 Siddhesh : chart stuck seems
13:40 Vishnu : 10 dttttttt
13:41 Chandrashekhar : 147 done in 14200 CE
13:41 Chandrashekhar : congo Vishnu
13:42 Sadees : Congrats vishnu
13:43 Shai : Momntum long in 14400 ce at 66 sl of 31 tgt open
13:43 Ankush Jain : wow this looks like 1/100
13:43 Vishnu : tnx all
13:44 Shai : we can do 14400 from here
13:48 Shai : early longs in F from 13900 are taking profits here
13:48 Shai : but there is SC in call writers
13:48 Shai : which is keeping it up
13:48 Shai : That 1 Pm orderflow candle forced all CE writers out
13:49 Ashwath : +1
13:49 Shai : As a result 14320/ 14400 looks doable
13:49 Rahul : yeppppppp
13:49 Ankush Jain : CE writers running around with pants down
13:49 Rajeshwarrao : 14375
13:50 Ravi : 0s at the top in NF
13:51 Arjun : not enough 0s . i think we 4-5 rows to give significance
13:58 Shai : 14170 supp
13:58 Shai : prices are erratic in options
13:58 Surya ganti : as you said, futs look safer
13:59 K2dt : can we get a billion dollar buying in cash by fii’s ..
13:59 K2dt : in a single day
13:59 Sadees : Shai, 14170 support from the extension handle there?
13:59 Rajesh G : no charts
14:01 Shai : charts are fine
14:01 Shai : do a refresh
14:01 Shai : yes- (13:59) Sadees : Shai, 14170 support from the extension handle there?
14:01 Shai : old supply now supp
14:01 K2dt : chief chances of stalling here?
14:02 K2dt : any chances*
14:03 Tejaswini : some new writing happening here in 14400 ce
14:05 Shai : new reds
14:06 Shai : exit from longs intra
14:06 Subhadeep : Future below 14170
14:06 Sunil : shall i stay in 14400 CE with 30 SL
14:06 Shai : exit
14:06 Shai : red band
14:07 Siddhesh : vwap test ?
14:07 K2dt : that wud mean a diaster S
14:07 Sumeet : vwap is at 13940 !
14:08 K2dt : ya 🙂
14:10 Shai : upmove is stalled for sure
14:10 K2dt : 🙂
14:10 Shai : we may stay around here
14:12 Rajesh G : TEST
14:12 Himanshu : K – so we remained 20 point short for ATH right in BNF /
14:14 K2dt : H ..nice vol crush today…extremely favourable for option writers
14:16 Himanshu : YEs only option I had to tarde in 33500 and 34000 CE
14:16 Himanshu : traded twice for 30 -35 points
14:16 Viswas : charts lagging chief
14:17 K2dt : +1 H
14:17 K2dt : same here..very small qty
14:17 Shai : put premium crushed again
14:18 Shai : options are not dependable
14:18 Shai : thjose who want to stay long in F maintain a sl of 14140 into close
14:18 Tejpreet : Shai swing wise can carry OTM monthly ce brought in the morning.
14:19 Tejpreet : 145k
14:19 Shai : swing confirms a up on a close abv 14180 now
14:19 Tejpreet : +1 Thanks
14:21 Uttam : wah what a day it is 🙂
14:21 Uttam : BNF new ATH
14:22 Uttam : spot leaving it for tom?
14:23 Tejpreet : 60 min Uttam another 130 in NF possible ?
14:23 Uttam : kya baat Tej +100 – (14:18) Tejpreet : Shai swing wise can carry OTM monthly ce brought in the morning.
14:24 Uttam : not seen the charts Tej as was out to meet the previous landlord for the formal handover so a bad day to miss 🙁
14:24 Tejpreet : You can always be back tomorrow !
14:25 Uttam : yes 🙂
14:25 Uttam : 567 nice number ba ;-p
14:25 Uttam : why you behind that 700 😉
14:26 Tejpreet : 14400 captured by bot in chat 🙂
14:26 Uttam : 🙂
14:26 Uttam : lets do it then
14:26 Uttam : does look good
14:27 Tejpreet : guys don’t just trade these have sl and reward in mind.
14:28 Uttam : yes
14:28 Uttam : +100
14:30 Rahul : gettiing it today ?(13:04) Rahul : looks will betaekn out by tmrw… 14300 coming ?
14:30 Tejaswini : what levels can we look for SC in 14400ce? at 60 now
14:32 Uttam : boom boom
14:33 Uttam : K period wants new higs in bNF too
14:33 Sanjib : 14200 CE monthly 330 to 370 – 50% out
14:33 Uttam : there it comes
14:33 Uttam : spot why you lagging
14:33 Tejpreet : 90 to go Uttam
14:34 Uttam : bring it on Tej BNF also willing
14:34 Tejpreet : +1
14:34 Aditya09 : final trade 13900 pe 62- 34
14:35 Vishnu : 12.5 dt now what a dayyyy
14:35 Tejpreet : +1 V
14:35 Vishnu : tnx
14:35 Aditya09 : awesom v
14:35 Vishnu : tnx
14:35 Sanjib : Great Vishnu
14:36 Vishnu : tnx
14:36 Sadees : congrats Vishnu
14:36 Vishnu : tnx
14:37 Uttam : congrats to all the greens on the budget day 🙂
14:37 Aditya09 : jab hum tum sang hai toh phir kya gum
14:37 Shai : 5 mins to 14360
14:38 Tejpreet : 🙂
14:39 Tejpreet : 100 points in that monthly 145k ce done
14:39 MJ : 33k ce phew.
14:40 Ankush Jain : it indeed proving to be a 1/100 budget
14:40 MJ : Whatttey day shai!
14:40 Ankush Jain : wow what a day
14:40 MJ : whattey day!
14:40 Shai : how many min left?- (14:37) Shai : 5 mins to 14360
14:40 K2dt : 3 boss 3 :)))
14:40 Chandrashekhar : awesome Shai
14:40 MJ : Just one trade of 33k ce shai. 🙂
14:40 Subhadeep : _/\_
14:40 MJ : your morning note! hatsoff!
14:41 Amit : very nice indeed….played to the tune!!
14:41 Tejpreet : No whipsclear instructions since morning , just gathere ce …+100 Shai.
14:41 MJ : +1 TP
14:41 MJ : was picking that 33k 🙂
14:42 Tejpreet : +1
14:43 Ankush Jain : was busy a bit, 2DT se hee happy
14:44 Aditya09 : wrong day ankush to b busy:)
14:44 Surya ganti : ouch.. same here..w as busy for half hour 🙁
14:44 Tejpreet : Anyone green on budget day should be proud of himself.
14:44 Ankush Jain : Business compulsions
14:44 Ankush Jain : Should not be complaining with 2DT though
14:44 Surya ganti : exited NF 150 points ago
14:45 Shai : if you are green – take the confidence home today, quantum of green does not matter
14:45 Sumeet : similar story was unfolding till my phone “accidentally” stopped receiving calls. :0)
14:45 Ankush Jain : +1 Shai
14:45 Shai : tell yourself that you are awesome and you can do this everyday
14:45 Rahul : indeeed
14:45 Uttam : +1000
14:45 Sadees : +1 Shai
14:45 Harish : +gud
14:45 Ashwath : +1000
14:45 MJ : +1000 chief.
14:45 Uttam : BNFFfff beast mode
14:45 Aditya09 : +1000
14:45 Uttam : whatta day
14:45 Shai : And if you struggled today, you have not spent time in the Training Libraray
14:45 Shai : so start there
14:46 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : Actually struggled with upstox only today :p
14:46 Chandrashekhar : +100 shai
14:46 Tejaswini : +100 chief
14:47 Sanjib : for these kind of days, use ICICIDirect – 20 Rs/order + 5 Rs/lot. Not that expensive. Stability is a must on such days
14:48 Aditya09 : the adani guys had come to do some electricity work at my office they told me there will be a power cut for an hour i threw them away
14:48 Shai : 14355
14:48 Aditya09 : otherwise wud have missed it too
14:48 Shai : done for the day
14:48 Sanjiv : +1
14:48 Vaishali : whats the close we can expect
14:49 Sanjiv : shai: range for tomorrow? thx
14:49 Surya ganti : @shai.. our short bias of the last week is now reversed i’d assume?
14:50 Ankush Jain : Shorted some 13800 puts. Good to carry them Shai?
14:51 Shai : yes
14:51 Ankush Jain : thanks
14:52 Shai : 14145 supp tom
14:53 Vishnu : shai bnf view frm here?
14:53 KK : I could only do 4 DT..still lot to learn how to do 10 DT on such a day ?
14:54 Shai : use 32400 as supp on spot- (14:53) Vishnu : shai bnf view frm here?
14:55 Rohit : 54dt is very very good. It is not ‘only’
14:58 KK : i thnk bnf is the key
14:59 Rajan Modi : Shai – i would liek to thank you for this day ; gives us confidence for rest of the days as well _/\_
14:59 Uttam : 30 mins & 45 points Tej
14:59 Uttam : lets get that
14:59 Surya ganti : looks like 1 more upswing
14:59 Uttam : BNF giving green signal
14:59 Tejpreet : let’s do it
14:59 Shai : congrats and cheers – (14:59) Rajan Modi: Shai – i would liek to thank you for this day ; gives us confidence for rest of the days as well _/\_
15:00 Vishnu : +1
15:00 Surya ganti : should thank nirmala ji for not throwing any shockers and biombshells in the fineprint ;D
15:00 Vishnu : 13.5 crossing . will i end with 15 dt today ?
15:01 Sanjib : @Shai – I agree with Rajan Modi – thanks to you, this is the first time I traded a Budget Day in absolute calm manner. No stress at all and I am in good greens
15:01 Vishnu : NS candle agai n today
15:02 Shai : congarts and cheers – (15:01) Sanjib : @Shai – I agree with Rajan Modi – thanks to you, this is the first time I traded a Budget Day in absolute calm manner. No stress at all and I am in good greens
15:04 Uttam : 40 more Tej
15:04 Surya ganti : carrying zero positions. in green finally 🙂
15:04 Surya ganti : thank you shai
15:05 Uttam : congo guys +1000
15:05 K2dt : chief thnk u for this experience _/\_
15:05 Surya ganti : one of those days, u shud thank urself for not being a writer
15:05 K2dt : esp ce writer :))
15:06 Aditya09 : cheif is my life changer cant thank enough
15:06 Surya ganti : haha yeah
15:07 Shai : congrats – (15:04) Surya ganti: carrying zero positions. in green finally 🙂
15:07 Shai : Cheers – (15:05) K2dt : chief thnk u for this experience _/\_
15:08 Shai : cheers and happy to see you doing well- (15:06) Aditya09 : cheif is my life changer cant thank enough
15:08 Shai : take the confidence with you now
15:08 Shai : keep doing it a little at a time
15:09 Aditya09 : thank u shai with u our side we will rock
15:11 Vishnu : shai changed mine 2year back . tnx for bring me into new world Shai
15:11 Shai : Good going Vishnu. Congarts
15:12 Vishnu : +100
15:12 Ankush Jain : Glad to be part of family of Vtrenders
15:12 Shai : Everytime we did a workshop Vishnu was there . All credit to you and your determination to learn it right
15:12 Vishnu : tnx
15:13 Vishnu : last year budget day my mtm was at 9.3 lakhs now am above this time
15:13 Surya ganti : whoa! nice
15:13 Aditya09 : wooohoo super vishnu
15:13 Aditya09 : you are an inspiration
15:14 Vishnu : tnx all
15:14 Ankush Jain : Vishnu ask NS to start presenting monthly budgets
15:14 Ankush Jain : 🙂
15:14 Vishnu : lol
15:16 Sri 81 : T+4 target of 14850 possible shai?
15:16 Ankush Jain : last budget my M2M was red (was not here), this year 2DT. Was trading very small
15:16 Vishnu : +1
15:20 Ankush Jain : I struggled with the system for first 3-4 months, but last 4 months have all been green. Thanks Shai
15:20 Shai : +1
15:20 Shai : congrats- (15:13) Vishnu : last year budget day my mtm was at 9.3 lakhs now am above this time
15:20 Shai : that’s why Vishnu comes only on big days now 🙂
15:20 Vishnu : tnx
15:20 Shai : Good show man
15:21 Shai : let’s look into tom now
15:21 Shai : expecting a small pullback here
15:21 Vishnu : no shai am doing my part in silently . this year superb for me. u knw my loss na . so i have miles to go
15:21 Shai : may noit have strength to make past 14410- 14440 imm tom
15:22 Shai : Any dip will still remain a buy opp
15:22 Shai : we should be looking at 14650 from here next few sessions
15:22 Ankush Jain : BFTD again
15:22 Ankush Jain : 🙂
15:22 Ankush Jain : BTFD rather
15:23 Shai : 14145 remains the point to monitor the swing now
15:23 Tejpreet : Even BFTD would be ok A 🙂
15:23 Ankush Jain : 🙂
15:24 Shai : take care everyone
15:24 Tejpreet : Shai dpoc still way down 13780
15:24 Shai : Have a good evening
15:24 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:25 Tejpreet : Uttam 680 🙂
15:25 Surya ganti : closing at day high
15:26 Tejpreet : bn 10 ib
15:26 Uttam : 14390
15:26 Uttam : 3 more mins
15:26 Uttam : 10 aur to banta hai
15:26 Uttam : je baat
15:26 Tejpreet : Uttam bola tho Yes
15:26 Uttam : a special sctoch today Tej 🙂
15:27 MJ : UG which brewery to visit today? 🙂
15:27 Tejpreet : Whatever you pour Uttam
15:27 Rusi : ubl
15:27 Uttam : come over then Tej, lets go to that place again 😉
15:27 Tejpreet : lol….sure
15:27 Uttam : 702 you did it Tej
15:27 Uttam : congo
15:27 Rusi : aaj caal sellers kakya kya bika 🙂
15:28 Uttam : 14399
15:28 Rajan Modi : we shoudl ask – kya kya bacha 😉
15:28 Tejpreet : Bye All
15:29 Rusi : bye all
15:29 Siddhesh : bye all.. have a nice evening
15:30 Sadees : Bye All
15:31 Himanshu : Bye akk
15:32 Aditya09 : bye all