Order Flow charts dated 04th November 2020

Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. This approach shows the amount of volume traded below the price Bar. The Order Flow approach is to see the Volume traded inside or within the price bar, an important distinction.

Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow.


Vol Pic2 Nf 2 Order Flow Charts Dated 04Th November 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


Vol Pic 2 Bnf 2 Order Flow Charts Dated 04Th November 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

08:27 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/532962901
08:28 Vtrender Live : 5 min NF charts – https://join.me/269-324-780
08:29 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts , apssword vtrender- https://zoom.us/j/8647754688?pwd=Z3NYU0tja0J3SE4zVkIydGdQY2FEZz09
08:51 Shubham Q : GM all
08:53 Shai : GM all
08:53 Shai : Hope every one is bright and ready to take on the day
08:54 Shai : if you are trading today, remember the market will be fast and moving
08:54 Shai : maybe 10X of what you uuually see
08:54 Shai : Also remember that you have to be quick in your decison making and fast with your fingers, cos the market will not wait for you
08:54 Shai : 11815 ref line for the day
08:55 Shai : huge volumes got traded thee and we should keep coming back there as the results ebb and flow
08:55 Shai : 11708 lower supp from yesterday remains
08:55 Shai : 11922 upside resistance
08:56 Shai : I’m giving you only 3 levels today from breakout and breakdowns
08:56 Shai : 11708- 11820- 11922
08:56 Shai : trade accordingly
08:57 Gopi : GM all..
09:00 Ankush Jain : going to be quite a roller coaster today
09:01 Naren : Gm Shai, All.
09:03 Rusi : gm all
09:07 Viswas : good morning all
09:07 Muralidhar : GM all….
09:08 Porus : https://ig.ft.com/us-election-2020/
09:08 Porus : Live results link
09:09 Gopi : all set for boden it seems
09:09 Gopi : biden
09:10 Prashant : trump it seems
09:10 KK : Electoral college ?
09:11 Shai : Thanks Porus
09:11 Shai : AP alkso has 131 – 108 to Biden
09:11 Rusi : too early to call now
09:12 Prashant : those are done shai…problem for biden is key swing states…trump doing better than forecasted
09:12 Gopi : trump 115; b 129
09:12 Ankush Jain : Trump leading in Tx & Fl
09:13 Shai : yes it will change
09:14 Shubham Q : what is this candle….hahaha
09:14 Prashant : 4 more crazy years will be too much
09:14 Shubham Q : 100 points in 1min
09:14 Ankush Jain : look at INR
09:14 Gopi : vix down ?
09:15 Ankush Jain : already weak by 45p
09:15 Prashant : room charts working?
09:15 Shubham Q : im with jit snacks and show
09:15 Ankush Jain : IB already 100
09:20 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:21 Ankush Jain : room chrts stuck
09:22 Shai : charts are fine
09:22 Shai : charts?
09:22 Ankush Jain : joinme ok
09:22 Ankush Jain : let me reload room chrts
09:22 Rajiv Ohri : Room charts working for me
09:22 Rahul : bnf zoom charts
09:22 Prashant : ya
09:22 Ravi : join me is fine
09:22 Ankush Jain : fine
09:23 Shai : BNF reverse gear open
09:24 Shai : Vox 22.50 to watch
09:26 Uttam : yes both NF & BNF have decided to act like Trump & Biden this week 😉
09:26 Shai : 5440 supp in BNF
09:26 Shai : 25440
09:26 Shai : below that buy some puts and hold
09:28 Ankush Jain : OAOR in NF?
09:28 Himanshu : I will keep eye on Bihar Outcome ..
09:28 Himanshu : Chief GM –
09:29 Himanshu : Any levels in BNF like NF you gave
09:29 Shubham Q : how come OAOR
09:29 Prashant : one leg of election still pending i think…bihar
09:29 Ankush Jain : 7th I think
09:31 Ankush Jain : results 10th
09:32 Shai : 209- 111 now Biden
09:32 Himanshu : Hain –
09:32 Himanshu : Good For india ..
09:32 Sumeet : Crazy variance in data… somewhere else the results are more or less equal…
09:32 Himanshu : market will cheer
09:32 Ankush Jain : but Trump leading in more
09:32 Sumeet : Need order flow in this also
09:33 Himanshu : You can get orderflow in this also – if 50 BN$ is on line
09:33 Shubham Q : approx lead of 100 and 100 points in nf….. samajh rahe ho
09:33 Himanshu : for me 2 lots I cant ask for
09:33 Himanshu : haha
09:34 Ankush Jain : we have a drive up?
09:34 Himanshu : CNBC is showing Biden – 192
09:35 Himanshu : leading ..
09:35 Shubham Q : but there are traders who trade such volatilities…..i aspire to be one of them
09:35 Ankush Jain : NDTV says 292 trump 222 Biden
09:36 Himanshu : NDTV is biased
09:36 Ankush Jain : every channel is
09:36 Himanshu : IF CNN says – trump leading – true as they dont like Trump
09:37 Uttam : NF & spot tagging that monthly POC of 11897
09:37 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:38 Rajiv Ohri : US election trade is over. Back to charts?
09:39 Tejpreet : Ant IPO blocked by China so if they refund lot’s of cash will be coming back to the market.
09:41 Uttam : lets get above 25705 BNF
09:41 Shai : 1922 tio watch
09:44 Uttam : 25500ce from 414-510 booked
09:44 Himanshu : cong Ug
09:44 Uttam : had to hit SL in 25500pe of 30 points
09:44 Uttam : so that failed move gave this good move
09:45 K2dt : cheers UG
09:51 Shai : 11866 doable sl of 11923
09:57 Shai : 11800 pe abv 84 is a buy with sl of 68 tgt 144
09:58 Shai : 11919.9- 08:55) Shai : 11922 upside resistance
09:58 Ankush Jain : +1
09:58 Shai : we go bullish if this is crossed – (09:41) Shai : 11922 tio watch
10:04 Shai : 11875 book half- (09:41) Shai : 1922 tio watch
10:04 Rajiv Ohri : Sahi 800 PE in?
10:04 Shai : Others watch TV, we watch the OF
10:04 Shai : that reds did a jpb
10:04 Tejpreet : lol
10:04 Tejpreet : no tv chief
10:05 Shai : trigger below tthat 866
10:06 Shai : if US electioons were not playing, I would have called expiry tom at 11820 based in this proifile
10:07 Shai : if we don;t get 1L plus nos, that is still doable
10:07 Shai : Buy the 800 pe
10:08 Uttam : vwap of the open test drive broken
10:08 Uttam : PDH test coming?
10:08 Uttam : below that more downside possible in NF?
10:08 Uttam : 11890 ref on upside
10:09 Uttam : +1 Shai, that 11820 is an imp level now for this series? – (10:06) Shai : if US electioons were not playing, I would have called expiry tom at 11820 based in this proifile
10:11 Shai : 11815 tgt here sl abv 11904
10:13 Viswas : below bnf-25440 how much we can expect sir
10:14 Shai : keep part booking orders at 105
10:15 Uttam : +100 Shai
10:15 Tejpreet : +100 Shai
10:15 Uttam : 🙂 Tej
10:15 Tejpreet : Chief is magical on event days !!
10:16 Shai : 11817- (10:11) Shai : 11815 tgt here sl abv 11904
10:16 Sanjib : +100 Shai
10:16 Uttam : that prominenht POC still acting like a magnet’
10:16 MJ : Done chief. 11910- 11865 -11820
10:16 Prashant : gajab
10:16 Shai : 105
10:16 MJ : thanks.
10:16 Sadees : +1 Shai
10:16 MJ : 11922 ref was precisionmax.
10:16 Anuj null : that was fast 🙂
10:16 Uttam : BNF doing a C side
10:16 Prashant : that poc magnet was something
10:16 Shai : sl at 82 on rest
10:17 Shai : (08:56) Shai : I’m giving you only 3 levels today from breakout and breakdowns(08:56) Shai : 11708- 11820- 11922(08:56) Shai : trade accordingly
10:18 Shai : My homework\
10:18 Shai : paid off by 2L so far !!
10:18 Uttam : awesome Shai 🙂
10:18 Uttam : beers on you today 😉
10:18 Himanshu : Chief – You won the election –
10:18 Himanshu : Congrates
10:18 MJ : Shai for Prez!
10:18 K2dt : +1000
10:18 Shai : expecting 11715 below 11800
10:19 K2dt : superb chief
10:19 Uttam : (10:08) Uttam : vwap of the open test drive broken
10:19 Uttam : break of vwap in a drive open most of the time gets new lows for the day’
10:21 K2dt : chief can u pl add 1.5IB to joinme… like UG said it is an imp ref
10:21 Shai : okay- will add
10:21 K2dt : tx chief
10:21 Shai : Book the PE for now
10:21 Shai : we buy if 106 is crossed again
10:23 Tejpreet : Shai vix breakout level on upside ?
10:24 Shai : 24 today- 25.4 swing
10:24 Tejpreet : tks chief
10:25 Shai : this is lower trigger- (09:24) Shai : Vox 22.50 to watch
10:26 Gopi : B 223; T 205
10:27 K2dt : 50% of avg vol done in 1 hr 15 min chief :)))
10:28 Uttam : we are almost done 1atr K so vols will be high
10:28 K2dt : +100 UG
10:29 K2dt : sbi resuslts will add fuel to fire today to bnf
10:31 Jitender : u mean..there is less fuel now 🙂
10:31 Shai : fox is saying 223 each biden trump
10:31 Shai : Ap and everyone else still 210- 111
10:31 Himanshu : Means result will be delayed
10:32 Shai : this is like our own cnn + ndtv+ times
10:32 K2dt : lol no Jit
10:38 Tejaswini : puts stopped
10:41 Shai : exited at 92 on that RB- (10:21) Shai : Book the PE for now
10:41 Shai : stay tuned today
10:42 Tejaswini : Sorry missed that
10:42 Shai : 11820- 11920 braod range still
10:42 Shai : we go beraish again if 11800 breaks
10:43 Shai : (10:18) Shai : expecting 11715 below 11800(10:21) Shai : we buy if 106 is crossed again
10:43 Rusi : what is corresponding BN level ?
10:47 Shai : Uttam is tracking the BN
10:47 Shai : check his levels
10:47 Rusi : ok
10:48 Uttam : 25332 ref in NBF here
10:48 Uttam : below that can fall to 25200 levels
10:48 Uttam : getting accepted below IB not a good sign in it
10:49 Shai : yes
10:49 Shai : VAL protecting now- below that slide deepens
10:49 Shai : was reverse in the morning itself
10:51 Uttam : low so far – 25333 – b) The auction staying below 25620 could test 25558-440 / 25332-204 / 25130-050 / 24930-810 & 24689-545
10:56 Tejpreet : Nice Trade alerts , easier to follow +1
10:56 Uttam : _/\_
10:58 Uttam : 25500 supply point if 25440 is taken out
10:58 Uttam : right now BNF seems to be coiling
10:59 Uttam : before the next move
11:04 Shai : 11830- 815 a supp still
11:04 Uttam : Biden won?
11:04 Uttam : some greens in both look like?
11:04 Uttam : ;-p
11:05 Uttam : BNF getting greens at 25500
11:05 Uttam : vwap tst here
11:09 Rohit : Trade alerts on main screen are good
11:09 Ankush Jain : looks like Trump may pull it off
11:09 Ankush Jain : bags Florida
11:10 Ankush Jain : & comfortable lead in Florida
11:10 Ankush Jain : Texas rather
11:10 Prashant : If you open nyt.com, the first page shows the leads in key states. Most have trump ahead.
11:10 Ankush Jain : Biden 223 & leads in 15
11:12 Prashant : they wd be saying “270 nikalo”
11:13 Shai : NQ notsustaining 11700 not good for bulls
11:13 Shai : supp 11400
11:14 Shai : spx F suipp 3370
11:14 Shai : if 3370/ 11400 collapse we may sell off herre also
11:14 Shai : for me that is equivakent toi 11800 going
11:14 Shai : for now it stays up abv 11815
11:19 Shai : vix near 22.5 again
11:22 Tejpreet : Looks like Arnab getting demonitized with US elections , Preisedent’s rule coming up in Mah …WA university 🙂
11:24 Ankush Jain : last 5 bars NF trying to get past vwap
11:27 Viswas : shai sir what about RIL today , any level to watch
11:28 Ankush Jain : Wednesday 12 pm approaching and US elections
11:28 Ankush Jain : Lets see who is taken to cleaners
11:28 Sanjib : Biden says – “It’s not over till final vote is counted”. Conceding loss??
11:29 Arjun : Trump winning is good for market ?
11:29 Arjun : i thought better would have been clear majority – whoseover wins.
11:30 Uttam : markets will find a way of their own but they do not like uncertainity so a clean win is what is needed
11:30 Ankush Jain : it has been for 4 years
11:31 Rohit : This won’t be clean and it will extend, and be contested…
11:31 Uttam : there was a chart whcih showed markets have performed better under a Democrat President A
11:31 Arjun : i saw a chart – where it shows US markets have perfomed far better in Democractic leadershiip . Obama;s tenure was even better than Trump
11:31 Arjun : +1 Uttam . I saw the same chart
11:33 Uttam : anyways US election results are just a starter, main course would be our NS coming up with the PC annoucement to spoil the US news ;-p
11:33 Arjun : haha .
11:33 Rusi : from IB to IS without any responsive selling
11:33 Uttam : very low vols
11:33 Rusi : does it hold any signifucance ?
11:35 Shai : vwap/ dpoc together guys
11:35 Shai : you know what that means
11:35 Shai : NF in a wait mode
11:36 Shai : we also wait
11:36 Sanjib : +1 Shai
11:38 Shubham Q : what does that mean, anyone?
11:39 Sanjib : 223- 211 now
11:39 Arjun : @shubham – I think Shai said that it means wait mode and no clear direction
11:39 Ankush Jain : Texas to Trump
11:40 Shai : +1
11:41 Ankush Jain : looks like world may have to bear Trump for another 4 years
11:48 Gopi : ril taken charge today?
11:51 Shubham Q : new highs?
11:53 Uttam : BNF waiting for that stuck 17750 green to get out
11:54 Uttam : BNF also has dPOC & vwap aligned at 25500 today’
11:55 Himanshu : We need trump for us ..
11:55 Himanshu : Sleepy Joe – is not all talk no action
11:57 Himanshu : fight is so close that – recounting in india it would happen if happens here
11:58 Ravi : will happen in US as well
11:58 Ravi : looks like
12:01 Uttam : NF forming a ‘p’ profile & BNF a ‘b’
12:01 Uttam : DD day so far
12:05 Tejaswini : UG u are merging both profiles? 😉
12:05 Uttam : Dimaag ka dahi I meant 😉
12:05 Sumeet : reliance moving, giving some support to nifty
12:06 Uttam : so lets make that ‘b’ to bell in BNF?
12:06 Ravi : p to b in nifty too
12:07 Uttam : 25580 in BNF needs to be taken out
12:09 Uttam : if NF becomes a bell form ‘p’ then BNF will make REs lower
12:09 Himanshu : looks like it will be tie and then super over
12:10 Uttam : NF at vAH
12:11 Himanshu : BNF is waiting – if NF retrace- It wants to jump from window
12:12 Shubham Q : lol H
12:15 Viswas : dow+dax gone bnf following global cues but nifty following ril.- observation
12:16 Uttam : 31k red in BNF
12:16 Uttam : 17k guy getting out?
12:16 Uttam : mini trade in 25500pe from 398-411
12:16 Uttam : exitecearly as that red looks right now in wrong place
12:17 Uttam : but can become an IS too this bar
12:17 Uttam : so waiting for more confirmation
12:20 Viswas : ril rocket
12:22 Ravi : SPX 3375 broken
12:24 MJ : @shai ril hits that trend day vwap.
12:25 Uttam : first it was the 17k green at top which stopped the rise
12:25 Uttam : and now this 35k red whcih has stopped the fall
12:25 Uttam : dont tell me that poor guy did a SAR 😉
12:26 Uttam : instead of fading the value on a balanced day, he tried to play a probable breakout or breakdown
12:28 Shubham Q : upar bhi ek tail banana padega naa…. ek spurt lao
12:29 Uttam : BNF going for 25580 test looks like?
12:30 Uttam : which means NF can make a RE higher
12:31 Uttam : stalling yet again at dVAH – NF
12:33 Uttam : this one gets vwqap so far – (12:16) Uttam : 31k red in BNF
12:35 Uttam : above vwap another 100 pointer there in BNF
12:36 Tejaswini : NF making a tower again
12:41 Uttam : BNF getting ready for that 100 point long jump?
12:43 Shai : Just saw the polls again
12:43 Shai : 3 states decide now
12:44 Tejpreet : Trump statement also coming up.
12:44 Shai : penny. michigan and wiscosin
12:44 Ankush Jain : Georgia also
12:44 Shai : 11855- 11870 supp here
12:44 Prashant : yes
12:44 Ankush Jain : North Carolina
12:45 Shai : theyt were won by trump last time but biden meading
12:45 Prashant : and postal ballots too…could create uncertainty
12:46 Shai : yes
12:47 Shai : vix up 23
12:51 Rajiv Ohri : Shai going by SPX do you see a reaction possible from the current profile
12:55 Uttam : still on – (12:41) Uttam : BNF getting ready for that 100 point long jump?
12:57 Devkant : Aao tail tail khelte hai
12:57 Shai : still undecided at 3360
12:57 Shai : can crash if that is broken
12:57 Shai : (12:51) Rajiv Ohri : Shai going by SPX do you see a reaction possible from the current profile
12:58 Rajiv Ohri : Thanks
12:58 Shai : trump is claiming penny
12:58 Shai : us can drop
12:58 Jitender : yup..hez going to court
12:59 Tejpreet : He is not sure so could be a long period of uncertainity
12:59 Tejpreet : let’s get vix above 24.5 and break 118k:)
13:01 Shai : shiort on below 855
13:01 Tejaswini : BNF setting up fr imbalance?
13:02 Jitender : yh Tej give 30 on tat… 🙂
13:02 Tejpreet : 🙂
13:03 Shai : NF short be;low 11885 for 11785
13:04 Ankush Jain : 11885?
13:04 Shai : us dropping
13:04 Tejpreet : 2 IS ..should get that 11790 in a flash
13:04 Uttam : 25500pe 414-456
13:05 Shai : going- (12:57) Shai : can crash if that is broken
13:05 Uttam : washed away the sins of that PE of mring
13:06 Shubham Q : so many colors in this candle
13:06 Jitender : FII have to gv up on bnf and we can have fun
13:07 Shai : 11869 sl
13:07 Shai : tgt 11785
13:07 Uttam : BNF can drop big
13:09 Uttam : 25200 imd ref below it 25050 could come
13:10 Shai : 4th Is
13:10 Shai : 3340
13:10 Viswas : can buy 11800pe at 106?
13:10 Shai : will carsh more
13:10 Shai : 11796
13:11 Shai : 11788- (13:03) Shai : NF short be;low 11885 for 11785
13:11 Rahul : shai awesome
13:11 Uttam : 25200 here in BNF
13:12 Uttam : 25130 minor sup else 25050
13:12 Shai : book some giuys
13:12 Tejpreet : GET MY 11790.
13:12 Uttam : +100 Tej
13:12 Uttam : what timing
13:12 Shai : book some
13:12 Tejpreet : Trump is needed for the markets 🙂
13:12 Uttam : lol
13:12 Sumeet : Well even if he goes, he gave me a dt and went…
13:13 Uttam : he aint going anywhere S 😉
13:13 Ankush Jain : he won’t
13:13 Sumeet : then he will be the gift that keep on giving
13:13 Ankush Jain : By leads he is there to stay
13:14 Uttam : 25130 & 25050 coming?
13:15 Shai : short below 775 agaion for 11730/ 11710 sl abv 11805
13:16 Ankush Jain : IS galore
13:16 Uttam : time for NS to login?
13:16 Uttam : 25130 doen in BNF
13:16 Ankush Jain : there u go 11775 gone
13:17 Uttam : next 25050
13:17 Milind : 25000 PE Holding from 168
13:17 Uttam : awesome M
13:17 Shai : US will fall more
13:17 Shai : keep holding PE
13:17 Uttam : book some & trail to 249
13:18 Milind : +1
13:18 Shai : 11745- (13:15) Shai : short below 775 agaion for 11730/ 11710 sl abv 11805
13:19 Ankush Jain : Trump going to SC
13:19 K2dt : watta ride chief _/\_
13:19 Uttam : b) The auction staying below 11819 could test 11785-744 / 11685-664 & 11618
13:19 Rahul : shai… awesome boss
13:19 Uttam : 11744 low to the dot
13:19 K2dt : gazab UG +1000
13:20 Shai : started here- (12:58) Shai : us can drop
13:20 Jitender : +1
13:20 Uttam : +100
13:20 Ankush Jain : TRUMP attacks vote counting
13:20 Jitender : did one trade in bnf wen trump came on stage and day job thru..with a 30bps SL 🙂
13:21 K2dt : amazing Jit as always:))
13:21 K2dt : cheers
13:21 K2dt : cheers
13:21 Jitender : tx K….was worth the wait n tension free
13:21 Shai : +1
13:21 Jitender : _/\_
13:22 Devkant : Shai would 11400 be the pit stop?
13:22 Devkant : There’s a gap out there
13:22 Devkant : daily gap
13:23 Viswas : holding pe with patience
13:24 Jitender : btw counting is still going on & trump mite win 🙂
13:24 Himanshu : yes – with 105 Votes penidnh why did he panicked
13:24 K2dt : yes Jit…
13:24 K2dt : 🙂
13:24 Ankush Jain : bada baawla hai. Wants to claim victory beforehand
13:25 Himanshu : I think h ecoul dnot digest – Biden leading even by 7 votes
13:25 Himanshu : Yes
13:25 Shai : exit the shorts
13:26 Ankush Jain : lots of greens
13:27 Shai : breather
13:27 Shai : what an awesome move that was
13:27 Ankush Jain : yes it ws
13:27 K2dt : +1 lac
13:27 Milind : +100
13:28 Shai : 3300 supp in spx
13:29 Shai : they will bang it again on bounce near 3365
13:29 K2dt : in terms of dow chief?
13:29 Shai : no one trades dow
13:29 Shai : it’s like giving sensex levels 🙂
13:29 K2dt : oops ..:DD
13:29 Sumeet : :)))
13:30 Shai : only analysts 🙂
13:30 K2dt : noted, chief
13:38 Shai : vix spikinhg
13:38 Shai : get ready for K move guys
13:39 Viswas : sir sny level to watch from here for k move
13:39 Ankush Jain : hain tyaar hum
13:40 KK : went to 3362.5..spx, time ?
13:44 Ankush Jain : Amit Shah might get a call to manage some seats for Trump
13:44 Ankush Jain : 🙂
13:49 Tejpreet : nobody watching SBI numbers 🙂
13:50 Rohit : Biden 238 Trump 213…and 87 votes remaining
13:50 Ankush Jain : Trump leads in 80 of them
13:50 Uttam : SBI results out Tej?
13:51 Chetas : yes
13:51 K2dt : trump:samajh mei bhi nahi aata aur dil mei bhi nahi :DD
13:51 Tejpreet : yes Uttam god numbers
13:51 K2dt : but i think to keep china on its toes we need trump
13:52 Uttam : cool thanks Chetas & Tej
13:52 Ankush Jain : Yesterday’s singles intact
13:54 Shai : 11868 sl here tgt 11765 cmp 11830
13:57 Tejpreet : Shai that was quick 🙂
13:58 Shai : sl
13:58 KK : stop at 12016 now..
13:58 KK : sorry 919..
13:59 K2dt : need to take out those zeroes..so can short again
14:01 KK : spx about to cross 3400
14:03 Shubham Q : proper V
14:03 Rajesh G : shai sl hit
14:03 Shai : (13:58) Shai : sl
14:03 Shai : ytes exit
14:03 Shai : 0’s came at vwap
14:03 Rajesh G : ok
14:04 Sumeet : sbin results were out
14:04 Sumeet : *are
14:06 Himanshu : Yes 14K CR slippage –
14:07 Shubham Q : whats wrong…. 13.20 candles didnt have 0*0 at bottom!!!!
14:07 Shubham Q : but now they have
14:07 Himanshu : Bhartiya Rashtriya Janta Bank result is out and is poor
14:08 Himanshu : Relaince up 3% today
14:14 Uttam : BNFfff
14:14 Uttam : 25580 with greens can give more upside
14:15 Uttam : lots of shorts getting hit here looks like
14:17 Uttam : je baat
14:18 Uttam : 25620 then 25705
14:18 Uttam : can we do new hgihs today BNF?
14:19 K2dt : samjho aa hi gaya :))
14:20 Uttam : 25800 & 25935 tgts above 25705
14:20 Uttam : needs some more vols here BNF
14:20 Gopi : only kotak contrbuting now
14:21 Uttam : else can settle down to close here as 3-1-3 profile on daily
14:21 Uttam : vols needed above 256265
14:21 Uttam : 25625*
14:21 Uttam : VAH
14:22 Shai : Longs have gained some control in NF also
14:23 Shai : tjose 0’s at vwap changed things
14:23 Shai : 3 Ib’s now
14:23 Shai : good top test 11920 again
14:25 Uttam : boom boom BNF?
14:25 Uttam : 25705 here lamost
14:26 Uttam : 25500ce from 370-411
14:26 Uttam : 25800 please now
14:26 Uttam : je baat
14:26 Uttam : boom bom
14:27 Uttam : super
14:27 Uttam : 25935
14:27 Uttam : cometh?
14:27 Shai : 11929- (14:23) Shai : good top test 11920 again
14:27 MJ : Shai
14:27 Uttam : +1
14:27 MJ : super references
14:27 Ankush Jain : +1
14:27 MJ : 3 nos. we are working since morning. /\
14:28 Sanjib : 25600 CE 301 to 406
14:28 Uttam : congo S
14:28 Sanjib : _/\_ UG
14:28 Uttam : (14:18) Uttam : can we do new hgihs today BNF?
14:29 Uttam : 25935 please now
14:29 Rajiv Ohri : Auction over in NF?
14:29 Uttam : 11968 possible in NF Shai?
14:29 Uttam : NeuX
14:29 Uttam : NF also has a FA at lows
14:30 Shai : Any longs NF boo
14:30 Shai : we may do vwap again
14:31 Uttam : thanks Shai
14:31 Sumeet : 96 red
14:31 Shai : yes
14:31 Shai : 11930 sl for 11865
14:31 Sumeet : kotak drank red bull + 96 octane fuel
14:31 K2dt : :))))
14:32 Uttam : ab BNF ko new high banana tha to kisiko to kuc karna padta na 😉
14:32 MJ : Sumeet: I think kotak is the fuel 😀
14:32 MJ : lol
14:32 Sumeet : :)) running on Shai’s presentation walla Bugatti
14:32 Uttam : 99L one or the 1 CR one 🙂
14:32 MJ : 40 pts. 30 mins.
14:33 MJ : +1 S
14:33 K2dt : looks like it found autobahn too 🙂
14:33 Sumeet : 🙂
14:34 Shai : cut the shirt
14:34 Shai : Add nbelow 11895 only now
14:35 Uttam : 11916 was the 1atr objective from 11744
14:35 Uttam : and cos we have a big IB today it is alreayd done
14:37 Uttam : L to bring new highs?
14:37 Uttam : BNF once again the leader now
14:37 Uttam : it needed to cut some flap looks like
14:40 MJ : Shai end of auction on top no? 1425 candle.
14:40 Shai : us can drop again
14:41 MJ : get vwap please.
14:43 Uttam : dPOC in NF shifting to 11895?
14:44 Shai : 11855 0’s are supp
14:44 Shai : if we cross 11925 now go long for 12000
14:44 Uttam : lets do it Shai 😉
14:45 Sandesh : +1
14:45 Uttam : spot 11991 is a vpoc so lets tag that
14:46 Uttam : then BNF can give 26k darshan also 😉
14:46 Uttam : (14:37) Uttam : L to bring new highs?
14:47 Uttam : BNF to be first?
14:48 Sumeet : then 25970 must
14:48 Uttam : 25690 imp to hold in BNF
14:49 Uttam : else can drop by 100-125
14:50 Tejaswini : BNF yesterday and today look like kaula lumpur twin towers
14:50 Uttam : 25690 gaya to once again we can test 25580
14:50 Uttam : else upar badth chalo
14:50 Jitender : Seeing today’s actiion..hope u guys have understood…why i stayed away and watched price ..and just took 1 trade
14:50 Jitender : and why capital preservation was imp
14:50 K2dt : +1000 Jit
14:52 Uttam : right now stuck in 100 point range between 25700-800
14:53 Ankush Jain : same here J
14:53 Ankush Jain : did not trade till 12
14:53 Ankush Jain : and then super short trade
14:54 Uttam : NF looks like wants to beat BNF at new highs?
14:56 Himanshu : UG – lookslike BNF will rest now and post expiry ..
14:56 Uttam : new highs in BNF
14:56 Ankush Jain : nice decay happening in premiums
14:57 Uttam : chal dhanno
15:00 Uttam : 11956 was a vpoc in NF
15:01 Ankush Jain : aaj raat ko kya hoga? suspense in US prevails
15:01 Uttam : no suspense
15:01 Uttam : Trump will win
15:04 Uttam : no fresh demand in NF above IBH
15:04 Uttam : 11920 ref for now
15:05 Uttam : BNF needs to stay above 25790
15:05 Tejpreet : Uttam what’s the previous spot swing high ?
15:05 Tejpreet : nifty
15:06 Uttam : Nifty immediate is 11929 & then 12042 which was a FA i think
15:06 Uttam : 25935 aaya kya?
15:06 Tejpreet : so gap up above that FA 12042 🙂
15:07 Ankush Jain : on a volatile day managed 3 DT
15:07 Uttam : 12152 was the swing high of Feb Tej
15:07 Uttam : last month we have a weekly FA at 120025
15:07 Tejpreet : 2dt done with just 25% capital.
15:07 Uttam : 12025
15:07 Himanshu : UG – BNF candle is now on our second floor
15:08 Uttam : congo T & A
15:08 Himanshu : its showing in thier TV
15:08 Tejpreet : tks Uttam febwala is for positionals..gap up above 12025 enogh for locals :0
15:08 Uttam : @H did tell you to warn your higher floor neighbours on Monday only
15:09 Uttam : 25913.7 so far – (14:20) Uttam : 25800 & 25935 tgts above 25705
15:12 Shai : cut that last long trade at 11923 here
15:13 Shai : undecided market still
15:13 Uttam : Shai BNF zoom needs a little adjustment
15:13 Shai : we may test 11820 again tom
15:13 Uttam : +1
15:13 Uttam : (15:04) Uttam : no fresh demand in NF above IBH
15:13 Prashant : I wanted to ask you guys a question. Whn you mention dt done, entire capital is deployed? i.e., lot size is such that enire capital is on work. Tej just mentioned 25%, so asking how its done.
15:13 Ankush Jain : tom we have interst moratarioum decsion, US results
15:13 Muralidhar : @Shai can we take Puts now
15:14 Shai : take next week put spread
15:14 Shai : vix can drop also below 22.5 huriung the trdae at open
15:15 Tejpreet : +1 even the 119k combo 150 plus is expensive.
15:15 Uttam : yes Tej I remember looking for 150 on Friday close for taking combos
15:15 Uttam : and here a day before expiry it is 150
15:16 Tejpreet : day before is generally 10-110
15:16 Tejpreet : 100
15:16 Uttam : +1
15:16 Uttam : nice balance in NF & a 2-day balance in BNF
15:17 Uttam : BNF has some filling up to do so if NF is going for that 11820 visit, BNF also can test that 25480
15:23 Tejpreet : Uttam you getting the filling done today only 🙂
15:24 Uttam : lol time running out though
15:24 Tejpreet : yes.
15:25 Prashant : Wisconsin was +5 in favour of trump….now 0.3 favouring biden
15:25 Tejpreet : congrats to all the green in the room , hope we get more higher vix days !!
15:25 Shai : Hope everyone safe and well
15:26 Shai : Congarts to all who traded well today
15:26 Shai : carry the confidence with you
15:26 Ankush Jain : Thanks Shai
15:26 K2dt : safe , chief
15:26 Uttam : _/\_ thanks
15:26 Uttam : Shai
15:26 Ankush Jain : had a good day
15:26 Viswas : huge volatility, alot of learning on second day. thankyou chief and all.
15:26 K2dt : can’t imagine these days w/o VT
15:26 Shai : you can now trade just about anything if you did well today
15:26 Sadees null : thanks Shai
15:26 Ankush Jain : +1
15:26 Uttam : one of my best days in recent weeks 🙂
15:27 Naren : Congrats Uttam.
15:27 Tejpreet : more beers to you Uttam!!
15:27 Uttam : thanks guys _/\_
15:27 Shai : Congrats and cheers
15:27 Viswas : cong. UG , thankyou for great learning in bnf
15:27 Himanshu : UG – You rock ..
15:27 Shai : that last upmove did not come
15:27 Uttam : cheers and more power to VT
15:27 Arcchit Agarwal : Congrats UG 🙂
15:27 Shai : we may be back at 11820 tom
15:27 K2dt : UG — ati ITaam as always
15:28 K2dt : cheers
15:28 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Naren : Bye All. Have a great evening!
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Shai : have a good evening
15:29 Ankush Jain : cliffhanger in Winsconsin