Order Flow charts dated 6th Feb 2020

Many traders are looking for information on how to use market conditions to find good trades. Order Flow is best understood as a way to see existing bias in the markets. Order Flow helps us understand who is in control of the market and who is ‘upside down’ and likely to make exits from that position in a loss.

Volume Profile and Order Flow are very good tools to assist you in trading. You can also use it along with your existing setup.


Vol Pic2 Nf 3 Order Flow Charts Dated 6Th Feb 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


Vol Pic 2 Bnf 3 Order Flow Charts Dated 6Th Feb 2020 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

08:59 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/293185917

09:03 Shai : (09:03) Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-5th-feb-2020/

09:22 Shai : (09:22) Shai : Intra- Buy BNF abv 31130 sl of 31029 tgt 31270. Buy abv**

09:43 Shai : (09:43) Shai : Intra – Buy 12100 ce at 50- 51 sl of 40 tgt 70

10:12 Shai : (09:43) Shai : Intra – Buy 12100 ce at 50- 51 sl of 40 tgt 70

10:13 Shai : (10:12) Shai : 12100 ce stopped. Make exits

15:27 Shai : (15:27) Shai : @everyone – we are doing the webinar at 08.30 pm today on #Orderflow.. Bring along your questions please

08:58 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:59 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/293185917
09:00 Manoj : Good morning guys
09:01 Sumeet : Good morning, all
09:01 Shelendra Agrawal : Good Morning
09:02 Rajan : GM all
09:03 AmitN : good morning all
09:03 Shai : Gm all
09:03 Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-5th-feb-2020/
09:04 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:05 Leela : good morning
09:05 Ketan : good morn room !
09:05 Shai : Bias stays strong and up above 12040 for open
09:06 Shai : Auction shoukld continue to 12123 and 12160 on tha bias
09:06 Shai : Any sharp[ pullback has a second round of supp at 12010
09:09 Govind : Shai, BNF ref points please
09:14 Shai : 30800 supp in BNF
09:14 Shai : 31130 and 31260 to watch for
09:14 Uttam : booked the overnight 12050ce
09:14 Shai : +1
09:14 Govind : thanks Shai
09:14 Chandrashekhar : Congrat Uttam
09:15 Govind : Congo Uttam
09:15 Uttam : close was in imbalance so was expecting a small gap up 🙂
09:15 Uttam : thanks guys _/\_
09:16 Govind : only 0s above 31162?
09:16 Boppanna : +1 Uttam
09:17 Uttam : yes Gov ban take high as 31165
09:17 Uttam : thanks Bops
09:17 Govind : +1
09:17 Uttam : 12120 imp ref in NF
09:18 Chandrashekhar : A query here Uttam, when there is no vol traded in that zone why does the price tick there?
09:18 Chandrashekhar : silly one may be…
09:19 Shai : 12123 and 44 on the 12100 ce
09:20 Shai : to watch at this open
09:21 Vasant : ib ,rs signals not showing in bn?
09:21 Uttam : 12124 was Fri high inNF
09:22 Vasant : ok seen yes was not
09:22 Shai : Intra- Buy BNF abv 31130 sl of 31029 tgt 31270. Buy abv**
09:27 Shai : 12100 pe building
09:29 Shai : BNF has other plans today
09:30 Boppanna : ORR?
09:31 Shai : Avoid the BNF buy abv now – has failed at 311130
09:31 Uttam : reds building in NF too
09:31 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:32 Uttam : OA looks like in both till the policy is out?
09:32 Shai : 12074 due in NF
09:34 Uttam : will get weaker if gets below 12103 NF
09:34 Uttam : PDH
09:37 Uttam : low vols
09:37 Shelendra Agrawal : Why in 30 min chart it shows 2 digit volume ?
09:37 Uttam : BNF has some buying
09:37 Shai : wtf move in BNF
09:38 Uttam : 31020 has RB in it
09:38 Vijay : 31200 55-80 50% out
09:39 Pramathesh : +1
09:39 Jitender : 30.9 ce 1786-248
09:39 Jitender : 186-
09:39 Boppanna : Jit making up of missed day move in BNF
09:39 Pramathesh : +1
09:39 Jitender : tryn 2 BoPs
09:40 Vijay : Jit we missed you yesterday
09:40 Jitender : tx Pramathesh
09:40 Jitender : was travelln Vijay
09:40 Vijay : Ok
09:40 Jitender : missed the room as well
09:42 Uttam : (09:37) Uttam : BNF has some buying(09:38) Uttam : 31020 has RB in it
09:42 Uttam : 0s in it at 31050
09:43 Uttam : 12100 OI on verge of crossover
09:43 Shai : Intra – Buy 12100 ce at 50- 51 sl of 40 tgt 70
09:43 Jitender : china reducn tariff on good from usa by half
09:44 Shai : That just came?
09:44 Shai : Abrupt change in the mode of volumes
09:44 Jitender : ys
09:44 Shai : thanks
09:45 Jitender : _/\_
09:45 Govind : 30900ce from 62 to 84; move is slow
09:45 Vijay : 12150 16-24.5 50% out
09:45 Chandrashekhar : OTD profile in both Shai/Uttam?
09:45 Pramathesh : 12132 Jan POC
09:46 Govind : Jit, welcome back and Congo
09:47 Jitender : tx Gov
10:01 Govind : BNF wants to go into PD value area?
10:02 Uttam : -30k cot in NF at vwap lets see how it closes
10:02 Uttam : reds at 12127-128
10:02 Boppanna : BNF OA Uttam pulling value up?
10:05 Govind : small scalp; 30900pe from 59 to 71
10:06 Govind : B an inside bar and rotating ahead of the event.
10:06 Govind : first trade was 31200ce, sorry for typo
10:09 Uttam : yes Bops looks like it
10:12 Shai : 12100 ce stopped. Make exits
10:13 Shai : will wait post RBI for a clean move
10:14 Shai : inability to auction above 12123 and 31130 well enough is a sign of fatigue
10:14 Chandrashekhar : C starts
10:20 Shai : https://mplite.vtrender.com/chart/?type=SINGLE&instr=O_NIFTY12100PE20200206&startDate=&nDays=0
10:20 Shai : 12100 pe
10:20 Shai : new writers are in at 23 amd lower
10:20 Shai : eyening this above 25 today for 47
10:22 Uttam : +1 Shai
10:22 Sachin : does anyone have an idea on option freeze? i understand on expiry days, SEBI freezes certain options on long side. Anyone knows this?
10:22 Uttam : have a buy order abv 24.45
10:23 Jitender : ys happens Sachin..both from exchange abv a thresh hold
10:23 Jitender : also sumtime wen broker limit is reached
10:23 Sachin : anything we should watch for? is there is certain %?
10:23 Jitender : but foormer usually
10:23 Jitender : i think its 105 OR SUMTHN
10:23 Jitender : oops fr caps
10:24 Jitender : but it opens in cuple of mins
10:24 Sachin : ok understood, thank you
10:24 Jitender : sum PB before event
10:24 Sachin : vix has started going up
10:24 Jitender : event
10:25 Sachin : yep
10:25 Jitender : but also likely tat big writers tryn..to exit their writes…gvn the environment
10:25 Jitender : morn sells look a clmbo of bth
10:25 Jitender : combo
10:26 Jitender : lets c
10:26 Sachin : what time is RBI policy update?
10:26 Chandrashekhar : 11:45
10:27 Vishnu : these 4 days writters were punished badly
10:28 Jitender : NS has shown whoz the boss
10:28 Sachin : NS?
10:29 Pramathesh : NS is our FM
10:29 Sachin : 🙂
10:29 Chandrashekhar : Nirmala Sitaraman;)
10:29 Shai : People who cannot read the tape were punished – (10:27) Vishnu : these 4 days writters were punished badly
10:29 Shai : They deserve it
10:29 Shai : simple as that
10:30 Govind : and we did really well in our Room 🙂
10:30 Sagar : so it is myth that writers always wins
10:30 Shai : The market is ruthless guys
10:30 Shai : have respect for the message of the market
10:30 Tejpreet : +100
10:31 Shai : we traded 5% swings everyday in 2008 and have learned hard lessons
10:31 Sachin : +100 and all my losses for not being disciplined 🙂
10:31 Shai : what you saw in last 3 days is not even 2%
10:31 Vishnu : +100000
10:31 Jitender : from 2016 (10:30) Sagar : so it is myth that writers always wins
10:31 Ankit : _/\_
10:31 Jitender : 100% rite Shai
10:31 Sachin : 5% swing, you need to a do webinar on that alone shai 😉
10:32 Jitender : bhav bhagwan che
10:32 Jitender : as tey say in orignal stck mkt lingo
10:32 Shai : 🙂
10:32 Nagaraj Hegde : Shai, you mentioned that 12100 PE has new writers at 23. Where can I see this information?
10:32 Vishnu : have lost 60 l before joining shai workshop now just to recoup 37 l only . 23lplus recovered nicely
10:32 Sachin : we are having webinar tonight right?
10:33 Vishnu : +1000 for shai for turning be like this’
10:33 Shai : https://mplite.vtrender.com/opchart/
10:33 Jitender : +1 Vishnu
10:33 Pramathesh : +1
10:33 Jitender : but i wud take it slow n steady..as u ron wave 3 now
10:33 Jitender : wich is bigger
10:33 Jitender : n volatile
10:34 Jitender : tats fr Vishnu
10:34 Shai : +1
10:35 Vishnu : i have planned that a mission 100 days for this. whenever i used to trade will end in green mtm . lyesterday started misssion 100
10:36 Vishnu : jit u have a great infulence on me abt dt. thanks man
10:36 Nagaraj Hegde : Thanks Shai. I saw that option chain info. Guess I do not know how to read exact OI changes at particular prices. Will find out,.
10:36 Vishnu : till rbi oucome we will hang around this vwap for eating premium
10:36 Jitender : thank VT man n spread the help (10:36) Vishnu : jit u have a great infulence on me abt dt. thanks man
10:36 Jitender : m just a medium
10:37 Vishnu : for shai words cant speak our mtm will speak for him
10:37 Shai : dOI is today’s OI- you have to read from the beginning how it developed with price. see it with the MP chart. Nothing complex, but yes work involved : (10:36) Nagaraj Hegde: Thanks Shai. I saw that option chain info. Guess I do not know how to read exact OI changes at particular prices. Will find out,.
10:38 Nagaraj Hegde : True that. Thanks.
10:43 Shai : If that PE takes off abv 27 =/ minus a few tgt is 92 #justsaying
10:43 Nagaraj Hegde : Ok.
10:44 Nagaraj Hegde : Will keep a look out. Did some scalp between 15-20 on the PE earlier today.
10:44 Shai : Abv 46 it gets wings
10:44 Nagaraj Hegde : sure
10:47 Chandrashekhar : meanwhile D made an RE in BNF
10:47 Chandrashekhar : RE down
10:54 Shai : 0’s can com,e
10:54 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai, was waiting for that
10:55 Chandrashekhar : – 50 K cot here
10:55 Shai : 12108 res
10:57 Chandrashekhar : 15K green in BNF
10:57 Uttam : at yesterdays extension handle
10:59 Shai : will take 12078
11:00 Jitender : bnf has greens
11:00 Jitender : trifecta at lows
11:01 Shai : hmm
11:03 Govind : 30965 is VAH of yesterday and it got greens from there
11:08 Uttam : 30990-950 imp zone in BNF
11:08 Uttam : it that goes gets weaker
11:09 Shai : 12100 pe finally got a buyer
11:09 Shai : game on
11:09 Uttam : super 🙂
11:09 Shai : his sl is below 17
11:13 Vishnu : ibl broken will give 3 ib trade today in either side?
11:14 Uttam : 40k red at lows in NF
11:14 Uttam : 12090
11:14 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam
11:14 Vishnu : sl
11:14 Chandrashekhar : is that an SL?
11:15 Vishnu : 0 right thre
11:15 Vishnu : so sl
11:15 Sagar : 12150 PE 48 to 62 🙂 booked
11:17 Shai : lows should break
11:17 Chandrashekhar : Finally RE in NF
11:17 Uttam : 24.45 to 32.9 50% out in that 12100pe
11:18 Uttam : 32.1 sorry
11:18 Shai : 24 training in the PE
11:18 Uttam : (10:22) Uttam : have a buy order abv 24.45
11:18 Uttam : yes shai
11:18 Pramathesh : +1
11:19 Vishnu : outcome when?
11:20 Chandrashekhar : RBI @ 11:45
11:21 Uttam : that 12100pe OI has still not started to come down
11:21 Uttam : but the CE OI now slowly rising
11:21 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam, but CE buyers are booking out looks like
11:21 Chandrashekhar : CE is seeing some writing now
11:22 Uttam : daly swing high could be made in both today
11:22 Uttam : after the rally from Monday lows
11:23 Sagar : 27k Buy that is big valoumn ?
11:27 Shai : close PE’s
11:27 Shai : Trade out
11:27 Shai : market waiting for RBI
11:27 Uttam : yep out at cost in rest of that 12100pe
11:27 Jitender : 12050 58-69 scalped
11:28 Jitender : bnf 30080-31045 half book
11:28 Shai : +1
11:28 Jitender : tx chief
11:28 Jitender : ce (11:27) Jitender : 12050 58-69 scalped
11:30 Vishnu : will nf make an fa at 12087.2 . Need to watch ibh to take out and vwap also?
11:32 Govind : 12 mins to go for MPC decision
11:34 Tejpreet : Shai 12100 combo at 58 , your views on it.
11:36 Favas : 31000 combo good idea?
11:36 Jitender : Vishnu gvng a surprise on rate cut front ?
11:37 Vishnu : meee
11:37 Vishnu : jit rat increase or rate cut needed
11:37 Shai : risky- a 100 point move is there innNF
11:38 Shai : (11:34) Tejpreet : Shai 12100 combo at 58 , your views on it.
11:38 Tejpreet : I think NS wants to scare out even the 12200 writers also.
11:38 Tejpreet : tks chief was looking to buy it 😉
11:38 Shai : current vol borders are 12057- 12157
11:38 Shai : but we always get a vol expansion
11:38 Shai : on RBI
11:38 Tejpreet : will wait then .
11:39 Favas : shai 31000 combo?
11:39 Shai : BN 31330- 31830
11:39 Shai : range
11:39 Favas : ok
11:41 Govind : Shai, did you mean 30330 as the lower range?
11:42 Jitender : 30830-31330 i think
11:43 Shai : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F2X2TFW/p1580969661018600
11:43 Prakash : No Charts
11:44 Prakash : bery crucial moment
11:44 Prakash : very
11:44 Prakash : Oh Now back
11:44 Jitender : unchanged
11:44 Shai : unchanged’
11:44 Vishnu : gooddd
11:45 Chandrashekhar : going Long Shai?
11:46 Jitender : full book 31110 (11:28) Jitender : bnf 30080-31045 half book
11:46 Jitender : wakao
11:46 Tejpreet : +1 Jit.
11:46 Jitender : tx
11:47 Pramathesh : +1
11:47 Jitender : tv says +ve fr realty n msme..sum easn fr tem
11:47 Jitender : tx Pramathesh
11:47 Vishnu : faaa
11:47 Vishnu : fa in nf
11:47 Uttam : 12100ce wrtiers getting the jack now 🙂
11:47 Uttam : hige vols in this bar
11:47 Chandrashekhar : now RE up…
11:48 Vijay : 31200 49-77
11:48 Uttam : this was the key – (11:21) Uttam : that 12100pe OI has still not started to come down
11:48 Jitender : my view (10:25) Jitender : but also likely tat big writers tryn..to exit their writes…gvn the environment
11:48 Vishnu : 138 cross and sustain needed
11:48 Jitender : all my trades btfd
11:48 Jitender : all home runs
11:48 Uttam : BNF also givign highets vols of 5mins today here
11:48 Tejpreet : 2150 ce not coming down.
11:48 Boppanna : +1 Jit
11:49 Uttam : FA in NF
11:49 Jitender : tx bro..satisfying day
11:49 Chandrashekhar : +1
11:49 Uttam : also in BNF
11:49 Vishnu : fa mannnn
11:49 Uttam : if we ignore that freak OH tick of 31200
11:49 Uttam : BNF has given 4 FAs this series in 6 days 🙂
11:50 Jitender : untradable
11:50 Uttam : all have given 1atr min
11:50 Uttam : lets see this one
11:50 Jitender : cant trade….so many
11:50 Uttam : yesterdays FA og 30631 hit 1atr of 31116 to the dot
11:51 Jitender : yday n today is all btfd
11:51 Shai : NF COT is good
11:51 Shai : High risk longs to 12170 on this COT
11:51 Shai : sl below 12105
11:51 Shai : high risk
11:53 Jitender : 31145-31220
11:53 Uttam : today’s low & FA at 30956 – (11:08) Uttam : 30990-950 imp zone in BNF(11:08) Uttam : it that goes gets weaker
11:53 Uttam : when you get FA at imp ref it gives more conviction
11:53 Jitender : no doubt
11:54 Uttam : 31453 is 1atr
11:54 Govind : 31200ce 56 to 84; booked 50%
11:54 Jitender : but context is always key
11:54 Tejpreet : NF atr Uttam
11:54 Jitender : +1 Gov
11:54 Govind : Thanks Jit, waited patiently
11:55 Shai : 12155 book half- (11:51) Shai : High risk longs to 12170 on this COT
11:55 Govind : Now let’s do 31453
11:55 Uttam : 12232 Tej
11:55 Uttam : 31285 imp level in BNF
11:55 Uttam : above that new leg could come
11:55 Jitender : 31.2 pe 264-78 positional acc
11:55 Tejpreet : 🙂 so madam going for 122k ce writers also.
11:56 Govind : Congo Jit, Diwali today
11:56 Tejpreet : Jit should i send a van for cash to bank +1.
11:56 Sagar : CE from 48 to 61 🙂 done
11:56 Uttam : 31165 imp ref now in BNF
11:56 Uttam : IBH plus now ext handle & IB on 30mins
11:56 Shai : NF book fully 12155
11:57 Jitender : just traded my view (11:47) Jitender : tv says +ve fr realty n msme..sum easn fr tem(11:48) Jitender : my view (10:25) Jitender : but also likely tat big writers tryn..to exit their writes…gvn the environment
11:57 Jitender : n ten the news
11:57 Shai : Now- 70- (11:51) Shai : NF COT is good
11:57 Jitender : +1
11:57 Uttam : a) NF needs to sustain above 12102 for a move to 12120-130 / 12146-159 & 12173-189
11:57 Shai : hence full book
11:57 Uttam : NF high so far 12160
11:57 Ankit : +1 shai
11:57 Shai : was easy 25 point NF thanks to COT post event
11:58 Uttam : BNF doing this hypo almost – a) BNF needs to sustain above 31072 for a rise to 31116-126 / 31190-200 & 31250-285
11:58 Ankit : yes was easy… thanks to OF
11:59 Govind : this is a creeper Jit
11:59 Jitender : bnf…no fresh longs here..if in..traiil
11:59 Govind : yes, trailing the remainder
11:59 Jitender : Gov..policy is a mini budget as per tv
12:00 Govind : yeah, I heard that too 🙂
12:00 Jitender : vwapup in bnf
12:00 Jitender : 3 SD
12:00 Jitender : ful book
12:00 Uttam : 31440 is a VPOC too in it – (11:54) Uttam : 31453 is 1atr
12:00 Govind : Yes, 3SD and out
12:01 Uttam : 30k at top in BNF
12:01 Jitender : congo Gov
12:01 Uttam : beast mode activated?
12:01 Jitender : tat 30k looks like Gov only 🙂
12:01 Jitender : bookn his algo
12:01 Govind : NO man, I am small time 🙂
12:02 Govind : THanks Jit
12:02 Jitender : cheers
12:02 Govind : Now a small pull back would be nice
12:02 Govind : press meet is also there
12:02 Jitender : starts
12:02 Uttam : @Tej that 30700 combo also did super well – told ya that number works like magic
12:04 Tejpreet : Uttam one webinar on combo timing 😉
12:04 Uttam : lol
12:04 Jitender : yh
12:04 Uttam : Jit jas to do that as number were his 😉
12:05 Jitender : sahi baat
12:05 Jitender : karo tum..aur namm hamara
12:05 Jitender : 🙂
12:05 Shai : 12140 supp
12:05 Shai : 0’s
12:05 Govind : that 3sd algo doing its job
12:05 Shai : down to 12119
12:05 Jitender : (11:59) Jitender : bnf…no fresh longs here..if in..traiil(12:00) Jitender : vwapup in bnf(12:00) Jitender : 3 SD(12:00) Jitender : ful book
12:06 Govind : +1 Jit
12:06 Uttam : +100 Jit
12:06 Shai : yeah it was -70K there
12:06 Jitender : all safe
12:06 Govind : yeah man and thanks for the alert
12:06 Jitender : tis is trade n risk management — 1 on 1
12:06 Uttam : no break out traders here 😉
12:06 Shai : hope all safe
12:06 Shai : fast market
12:06 Amit : thanks jit for the alert booked fully at it
12:06 Shai : even fast changing info
12:06 Govind : we are fighting algos Uttam, no choice
12:06 Amit : no trailing 🙂
12:06 Shai : need fast fingers and a quick mind
12:06 Sagar : safe
12:07 Uttam : reverse 0s there now Shai at 12140
12:07 Pramathesh : +1
12:07 Shai : if you are distracted you are soup
12:07 Uttam : but that 27k red looks like stuck
12:07 Jitender : helpn u guys avoid loss gives me more happiness than mtm
12:07 Uttam : _/\_
12:07 Pramathesh : +1 Jit
12:08 Amit : _/\_
12:10 AmitN : _/\_
12:14 Ankit : +1 jit
12:16 Vishnu : ug nf fa tgt ?
12:16 Shai : FA is only conf eod
12:17 Vishnu : ok shai\
12:18 Vishnu : scalpped 12100 next week call 99-106
12:33 Jitender : vwap up opens up
12:36 Govind : those reds are covering in BNF?
12:36 Govind : longs exiting
12:37 Govind : ?
12:39 Shai : 31170 now keeping it up
12:39 Shai : 31480 doable
12:40 Shai : sl31105 on day for longs
12:40 Shai : looking at 70 and 79 on the 12100 ce’
12:40 Shai : sl below 39 post RBI\
12:46 Govind : 30300ce from 40 to 67; a
12:47 Pritesh : Anyone still in BNF CE’s ?
12:49 Boppanna : I am all out posted 311KCE p&f ref chart in slack expecting a pull back in H
12:49 Govind : am all out
12:50 Govind : G & H have the same highs
12:50 Govind : in BNF
12:54 Shai : 60 onn CE
12:55 Shai : I though early morning 12100 pe will go under the hammer
12:55 Shai : Looks liuke 12100 ce is cornered
12:56 Shai : roughly 20L still to be unwound
12:56 Shai : 6 to 18 price range
12:57 Bhaskar : shai are u referring 12100 pe
13:00 Uttam : (11:55) Uttam : 31285 imp level in BNF(11:55) Uttam : above that new leg could come(11:56) Uttam : 31165 imp ref now in BNF(12:00) Uttam : 31440 is a VPOC too in it – (11:54) Uttam : 31453 is 1atr(12:01) Uttam : beast mode activated?
13:01 Uttam : 31399 high so far
13:03 Vishnu : as per this move away from budget low . monday low is an imp ref for the coming months i think
13:03 Vishnu : like NS candle low oct same NS candle low on budgt day . shai ur view
13:13 Shai : 11650 is a n imp l;evel
13:13 Shai : ffor rest of the year also
13:13 Shai : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F327PUZ/p1580812185000700
13:15 Uttam : BNF going for that 1atr objective from today’s FA?
13:15 Jitender : ys
13:16 Jitender : abv 380..will spike
13:16 Boppanna : 350 defending
13:16 Jitender : 345
13:16 Uttam : Bops keeping it quiet in H today 😉
13:17 Uttam : I mein dhamaal?
13:17 Jitender : 31600 also open
13:17 Uttam : boom boom
13:17 Boppanna : ur hypos didn’t leave much after RBI so wanted a in H didn’t come
13:17 Boppanna : *PB
13:18 Jitender : but risk management in place pls
13:18 Uttam : voc tag done
13:18 Uttam : vPOC
13:18 Uttam : 1atr also done 🙂 FA rocks
13:18 Jitender : timing 🙂 (13:15) Uttam : BNF going for that 1atr objective from today’s FA?(13:15) Jitender : ys(13:16) Jitender : abv 380..will spike
13:18 Jitender : tats hw u read
13:19 Uttam : _/\_
13:19 Boppanna : bingo 31400ce lottery 20-40 fr that spike alert
13:19 Jitender : 345-451 half book
13:19 Uttam : congo Bops
13:19 Govind : 31400 from 24 to 48.5
13:19 Jitender : +1 BoPs
13:19 Uttam : and cheers Jit 🙂
13:19 Govind : smae pinch Bops
13:19 Jitender : congo all
13:19 Uttam : Gov to you too 🙂
13:19 Pramathesh : +1 Guys
13:19 Govind : Thanks UG and Jit
13:20 Tejpreet : What timing Jit 🙂
13:20 Govind : and Pramathesh
13:20 Vishnu : bn trades like rollar coaster trades
13:20 Uttam : (11:54) Uttam : 31453 is 1atr(12:01) Uttam : beast mode activated?
13:20 Uttam : BNF is very easy Vishnu if you understand the way it moves
13:21 Uttam : NF not making new hgihs
13:21 Vishnu : no ugg i am not able to make it man in bn. i am very good at nf . so i just need nf only to make money
13:21 Uttam : yes one instrument is good ebough to make money
13:21 Uttam : so better to concentrate & get more & more better at it
13:21 Uttam : color of money is same as Shai says 😉
13:22 Vishnu : like shai said why we need many guns to shoot a tiger , need only one working ggun and perfect eye
13:22 Vishnu : how is it ug?
13:22 Uttam : +1
13:23 Uttam : 31420 ref now in BNF as that 16k green there
13:23 Jitender : PM on tv
13:23 Uttam : 0s below it
13:23 Uttam : 31400
13:23 Uttam : Bops well disguised hammer coming out in ‘I’
13:23 Uttam : 31500 is the Trend Day VWAP
13:24 Tejpreet : 122 CE / 1215 CE not unwinding maybe tht’s why PM has to come 🙂
13:24 Uttam : take that out &move towards 31800 we can
13:24 Uttam : lol Tej
13:27 Shai : done- (12:39) Shai : 31480 doable
13:27 Govind : +1 Shai
13:27 Shai : That -70K COt is not adding at 12155
13:27 Shai : can open up 12186 sl of 12131
13:27 Govind : and Uttam, let’s do 31500 and then 31800 🙂
13:28 Shai : IB extension trade
13:30 Jitender : +480 (13:27) Shai : done- (12:39) Shai : 31480 doable
13:31 Sagar : not charts
13:32 Sagar : *no
13:33 Uttam : charts are fine Sagar
13:34 Sagar : i am not able to see let me try close and open again
13:34 Sagar : now i can see
13:35 Pramathesh : sl?
13:35 Uttam : 31499
13:35 Govind : 31500 here 🙂
13:35 Govind : oh yeah 499
13:35 Uttam : 🙂
13:35 Pramathesh : exactly at 1.5 IB?
13:36 Jitender : 495 sum more (13:19) Jitender : 345-451 half book
13:36 Govind : 1.5 times initial balance range
13:36 Govind : @Pramathesh
13:36 Shai : 12185 tgt
13:36 Sagar : BN tgt
13:37 Uttam : 31565-601
13:37 Shai : 31597
13:37 Sagar : ok
13:37 Uttam : 31601 is 2atr rom yesterday fa
13:37 Uttam : needs to sustain above 31515
13:37 Uttam : 0s attop for now
13:37 Jitender : (12:33) Jitender : vwap up opens up(13:16) Boppanna : 350 defending(13:16) Jitender : 345
13:37 Govind : +1 Jit
13:37 Uttam : in both – 0s at top
13:38 Uttam : more pain for shorts coming ?
13:38 Govind : am in 30500ce from 12.9
13:38 Jitender : no red trade…all btfd
13:38 Uttam : NF tagging the weekly POC
13:38 Uttam : what a comeback
13:38 Vishnu : 31 weekly pair almost doubled. did paper trade before announcement
13:38 Uttam : that Saturday as Shai so rightly said looks like a one off day which seems like did not happen at all
13:39 Govind : out at double
13:39 Jitender : but i was gone only fr a day 🙂 (13:38) Uttam : what a comeback
13:39 Uttam : you not there for a day also looks so BIG
13:39 Tejpreet : Jit looks like you made up 😉
13:39 Jitender : oh yeaah
13:40 Jitender : 4.2x n counting
13:40 Shai : 57 trailing in 12100 ce
13:40 Shai : looking at 71
13:41 Jitender : Shai has put fresh paper in his printing m/c
13:41 Boppanna : 🙂
13:42 Jitender : m all out
13:42 Jitender : will looksie abv 530
13:42 Jitender : leyo
13:43 Jitender : abe washroom to jaane de
13:43 Shai : lol
13:43 Shai : 🙂
13:43 Pramathesh : 😀
13:43 Uttam : lol
13:44 Tejpreet : lol
13:49 Shai : TSL in 12100 ce taken
13:50 Shai : I think we have a wild ride coming up
13:50 Boppanna : Jit went to bathroom after booking and it dipped
13:50 Tejpreet : what dipped bops 🙂
13:50 Jitender : missed 24 bps in it
13:50 Jitender : haha Tej
13:51 Boppanna : lol
13:51 Jitender : bnf only
13:51 Jitender : 194-218 in 31.2ce
13:52 Jitender : happy now
13:52 Jitender : me
13:52 Vishnu : why sudden down any news
13:52 Pramathesh : +1
13:52 Vishnu : or else to exit weak hands for new high
13:52 Jitender : no Vishnu PB
13:52 Jitender : expiry…sum games will happen
13:53 Vishnu : sorry i forgot that
13:53 Jitender : 31400 pivot
13:53 Jitender : today..lucky with timing…whether entry or exit
13:53 Jitender : jai mata di _/\_
13:53 Boppanna : prabhu luck nahi its pure skill
13:54 Bhavani : -1L Cot
13:54 Jitender : naahi bhai
13:54 Vishnu : -1.83 l
13:54 Ankit : kuch aise bhi honge.. jinka na luck chala na skill kaam aaya
13:54 Jitender : here it comes (13:53) Jitender : 31400 pivot
13:54 Ankit : 😛
13:54 Jitender : Ankit..today i have guided to the last ‘d’
13:55 Jitender : n Shai has been 100& spot on
13:55 Jitender : 100%
13:55 Jitender : Uttam fired his FA missile
13:56 Vishnu : yes
13:56 Ankit : absolutely
13:57 Ankit : hehe
13:57 Ankit : that was for non VT people
13:58 Rajiv : JIT all this in NF is PB?
13:59 Jitender : sum n ten Sl”s triggered by writer algo
13:59 Uttam : big vols in NF
13:59 Uttam : similar to the once hwich caused that move up
13:59 Boppanna : 2 consecutive big MTM days for me 1 with Jit/Uttam holding hand and 1 Tej/Uttam showd the way the good part was played in both ways and didn’t get burnt 🙂
13:59 Jitender : sumone has used money power on expiry to rip retail
13:59 Govind : Congo Bops, you derserve it man
14:00 Uttam : super Bops 🙂 congrats & wishing you more & more power
14:00 Pramathesh : +1 Bops
14:00 Rajiv : The OI @12100 looks solid or can give away
14:00 Boppanna : thx all
14:00 Uttam : NF coudl do a profile filling exrecise now
14:00 Ankit : +1 bops
14:01 Uttam : 12100 to 12150
14:01 Uttam : 12140 actually
14:01 Uttam : 0s there in this -1L COT bar
14:01 Uttam : still lot of time left
14:02 Jitender : awesum BoPs..very happy n proud of u
14:02 Uttam : so could even be a pull back low here in both
14:02 Uttam : time is right for that afternoon PBL
14:02 Bhavani : Jit, What’s meant by PB..?
14:02 Jitender : profit bookn
14:02 Lakshay : 12111 is where market started upmove so not when back to it strong seller and not able to break do we take these seller as stuck and take a long scalp
14:02 Bhavani : Ok..
14:02 Uttam : 12150 OI divering
14:03 Jitender : is liye ..tats y trailing is very VERY VERY IMP
14:03 Uttam : PE writers given a scare
14:03 Uttam : above 14-15 can come under more pressure
14:03 Uttam : 12100 that is
14:03 Jitender : 410 on last pull bck (13:53) Jitender : 31400 pivot
14:04 Jitender : after brkn it
14:04 Boppanna : 500-350 BNF thx to Uttam’s vwap alert
14:04 Uttam : super Bops
14:04 Uttam : its a trend day vwap so thoda respect to banta hai 😉
14:05 Boppanna : +1 also the montly 31500pe held supports finally
14:05 Uttam : cool
14:07 Jitender : (13:16) Boppanna : 350 defending(13:16) Jitender : 345
14:07 Jitender : watch it
14:08 Boppanna : Shai did sat wild ride
14:08 Boppanna : *say
14:09 Govind : expiry with RBI is always fun
14:10 Jitender : 🙂
14:10 Shai : 12135 sl till close
14:10 Govind : but did not get into the down move; keeping my money with me 🙂
14:10 Jitender : guys drop volumes if in green
14:10 Jitender : will only scalp
14:10 Jitender : has been a good day
14:10 Shai : expecting 12080 with 12135 as sl
14:10 Jitender : dont wanna waste it
14:10 Sachin : bnf spikes expected?
14:11 Jitender : bck here (14:07) Jitender : (13:16) Boppanna : 350 defending(13:16) Jitender : 345(14:07) Jitender : watch it
14:12 Jitender : 31.2ce wich made a high of 263 was skimmed till 90 odd by theese algo’s
14:14 Jitender : retail greens wiped out
14:16 Pritesh : Premium started in weekly
14:16 Govind : they overstayed because they do not use OF 🙂
14:19 Govind : 31500ce is @ 3; lottery?
14:21 Amit : damm good exit for the 12100 writers
14:21 Boppanna : Govind 400 better if playing a lottery on the upside IMO
14:22 Govind : Ok Bops
14:23 Jitender : Gov wats the rule for a guy in a casino ?
14:24 Govind : stop gambling when in profits
14:24 Govind : and leave on a high note
14:24 Jitender : yep..quit if u r ahead
14:24 Govind : after tipping the dealer
14:25 Jitender : or go to a strip club nearby or 69 bar( we know fr who ) 🙂
14:25 Govind : haha 🙂
14:25 Boppanna : lol
14:28 Jitender : 275 dwn n 150 up (13:52) Jitender : expiry…sum games will happen
14:28 Jitender : all in 32 mins
14:28 Govind : can’t wait for Suyog’s FII report; FIIs were still only some 18% long yesterday
14:29 Govind : and not sure how much sc there was today, if any
14:30 Govind : BNF OI did come down in that 145pm upmove though
14:32 Govind : NF resemble a bell but needs some filling though Uttam
14:32 Govind : ?
14:35 Chandrashekhar : -1.8 lac red here
14:35 Chandrashekhar : @12130
14:36 Rajiv : This 1.26 is to be ignored
14:36 Pramathesh : wtf?
14:36 Vishnu : big two seller?
14:36 Chandrashekhar : Long liquidating Shai/uttam?
14:36 Pramathesh : llt?
14:37 Chandrashekhar : Cot is – 2.4 lac…
14:38 Shai : yes boih seller is back
14:38 Shai : 123K qty at 12132
14:39 Govind : wow, this guy does not like what the RBI Guv said
14:40 Boppanna : Shai NF 5 min refresh needed or fine?
14:41 Shai : fine
14:41 Boppanna : thx
14:41 Pritesh : testing
14:42 Chandrashekhar : @Shai, q uery here..with this huge negative vol why is the price not recting to the vol…
14:42 Chandrashekhar : or do you see any opposite buying in here?
14:42 Shai : he sold to the demand
14:42 Shai : ther is 99K plus demand in the same bar
14:43 Shai : his qty is 119 K
14:43 Uttam : (14:00) Uttam : NF coudl do a profile filling exrecise now(14:01) Uttam : 12100 to 12150
14:43 Uttam : there are 2 big reds in that bar at lows?
14:44 Chandrashekhar : so all supply is getting absorbed
14:44 Sagar : so expecting gap down tmr ?
14:44 AmitN : so shai looking at these big numbers can we buy monthly PE?
14:44 Shai : can
14:45 Shai : Profile wise one side ways move is there
14:45 AmitN : thx
14:45 Shai : Any down move can come from Monday if any
14:45 AmitN : ok
14:46 Sagar : how to identfy if they are fresh sellers or the one sq off
14:48 Jitender : wat was spot high on budgey day bnf ?
14:49 Uttam : 30918.6
14:49 Shai : you can’t- (14:46) Sagar : how to identfy if they are fresh sellers or the one sq off
14:49 Jitender : tx uttam
14:49 Shai : But it tells you about demand and supply
14:49 Shai : Like now you know- there is no new demand at these prices
14:50 Vishnu : if demand price will move up
14:53 Uttam : 🙂 +1 – (14:49) Jitender : tx uttam
14:56 Govind : alright guys, I gotta run. See you Fryday
14:56 Govind : Congrats to all in green
14:56 Pramathesh : bye
14:59 Jitender : 31.2ce 84-137
15:00 Uttam : Jit spiking it at 3:05?
15:00 Jitender : lets c 411 resis
15:01 Uttam : NF has a nice balance
15:04 Vishnu : shai that mornig fa is it confirmed na
15:04 Uttam : (14:00) Uttam : NF coudl do a profile filling exrecise now(14:01) Uttam : 12100 to 12150 still here & low in that dip was 12102
15:05 Boppanna : +1 Uttam
15:07 Uttam : what plan for Friday Bops? giving reversal or continuation or bring range bound day?
15:07 Uttam : boring* range bound day
15:08 Rajiv : 12131 close
15:09 Boppanna : Shai said any down side will be on Monday so range bound looks like
15:10 Amit : yes normal day so that we can have a trend day on monday 🙂
15:10 Uttam : hmmm
15:10 Shai : today is neutral
15:10 Vishnu : yes
15:11 Uttam : so tom could give a good move Shai?
15:11 Jitender : rbi day lvls have lot of imp
15:11 Uttam : +100 Jit
15:11 Boppanna : +1
15:11 Jitender : tey can mke a St top / bottom
15:11 Uttam : will mention the imp level in todays report
15:11 Jitender : +1
15:14 Pritesh : Why 13th CE’s are in single digit ?
15:14 Pritesh : 12400 CE is at 7
15:16 Pritesh : 12300 CE at 18
15:16 Boppanna : Big even Budget week Pritesh so range was big this week..next week range mostly small
15:16 Boppanna : *event
15:17 Pritesh : okay.. Thank you
15:22 KK : which CE to carry , BNF or NF for a positive opening tomorrow ?
15:24 Uttam : what dhamaka you going to do this evening KK 😉
15:25 Pramathesh : CE sell or buy?
15:25 Boppanna : IMO KK OF shows no demand at these levels wouldn’t carry any tomorrow morning should be able get in good trades
15:26 Shelendra Agrawal : webinar timings ?
15:26 Uttam : 8:30
15:26 Uttam : PM
15:26 Jitender : 2mrw cud b OAIR n inside day
15:27 Uttam : Jit not going to take off then tom ;-p
15:27 Uttam : your fav day
15:27 Shai : @everyone – we are doing the webinar at 08.30 pm today on #Orderflow.. Bring along your questions please
15:27 Uttam : +1 Shai will be there
15:27 Jitender : mite hv 2 travel again..will get 2 know by evening 🙁
15:27 Vishnu : ok shai
15:28 Shelendra Agrawal : ok thanks
15:28 Uttam : oh ok Jit, hope you can make it so that you add to either your Maruti collection or your yatches one 🙂
15:28 Jitender : _/\_
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Shai : Catch up later\
15:29 Pramathesh : Bye
15:29 Vishnu : bye all
15:29 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Sagar : bye have a good one
15:30 Rajan : bye all
15:36 Pritesh : bye all